Halaman adhi

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Adhi(3Ivs9onJ8J/D)@adhi : 2007-09-11 11:39:24 UTC+0000
Ini adalah halaman pertamaku.

Aku tahu, menulis itu tidak mudah, begitu juga kata dosenku.
Bagaimanapun, aku cukup suka menulis.
Aku setuju dengan Yuku, bahwa situs ini bermanfaat (tanpa tahu bagaimana situs ini bekerja).

Btw, aku mestinya nulis apa yah di sini?

Kucoba untuk mencentang "gp" ah.
adhi@adhi : 2007-09-11 11:46:12 UTC+0000
diacu: >>3
Aku selalu berjalan
dalam suka dan senang
dalam susah dan sedih

Waktu juga selalu berjalan
pagi dan sore
siang dan malam

Aku sering lelah berjalan
Waktu tak pernah lelah berjalan
Itulah sebabnya, Aku sangat menghargai waktu

Di saat aku berjalan
Orang lain berjalan
Orang lain tidak berjalan
Waktu tetap berjalan

Aku melihat dia
Aku pikir, aku mungkin menyukainya
Aku bingung
Aku tidak tahu

Dia berjalan
melewati aku
tidak menatap mataku
tidak mengenalku

Lewat deh...
Jadi gimana dong?
derianto@adhi : 2007-09-11 13:44:07 UTC+0000
halo Adhi,
ya gampang dong:

Aku selalu berjalan
dalam suka dan senang
dalam susah dan sedih

adhi@adhi : 2007-10-04 14:39:55 UTC+0000
diacu: >>5
Hari ini aku mulai berpikir...
Petualangan yang baru sudah dimulai...

aku pun berpikir untuk membuka imel dari hp... untuk pertama kalinya...
pakai opera mini
ternyata... cukup susah...
sebenernya ada ga sich webmail yang mobile based?

Btw, untuk semua orang yang ga kukenal...
Salam kenal...
yuku@adhi : 2007-10-12 01:06:43 UTC+0000
pake Nokia dong, kan uda ada pembuka imel pop3 maupun imap. Jadi ga usa repot2
pake webmel.
Wah enak ya gprs di indo murah! Hidup gprs indo!
adhi(CBwSSs8WrHtk)@adhi : 2007-10-14 15:02:19 UTC+0000
Iya, gmail dan ymail ternyata sudah bisa langsung "mobile" kalau dibuka dari mobile browser. Hebat! Aku ga sangka loh.
adhi(urT2SDggkZhI)@adhi : 2007-10-14 15:03:20 UTC+0000
Duh, pwd lupa nih hiks2
adhi(e3MRl24BsPMf)@adhi : 2007-10-14 15:04:11 UTC+0000
Masa harus disampling terus sich?
adhi(iVNOuPdOgKeI)@adhi : 2007-10-14 15:05:43 UTC+0000
Terakhir kali coba untuk hari ini ah. Opera beta 2 bisa landscape, bagus sich, tapi jadi repot. He3.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2007-12-24 15:08:01 UTC+0000
diacu: >>11
365 hari dipercaya sebagai waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh bumi untuk mengelilingi matahari.

Kalau itu betul, maka kira-kira sebanyak itu juga temanku membujukku untuk menggunakan Google Talk. Usahanya hampir saja sia-sia, tapi akhirnya aku mau mencoba Google Talk.

Kesan pertama, aku tak menyangka itu adalah sebuah program karena tampilannya yang sangat minimalis, beda banget sama program-program yang biasa kugunakan. Awal mula, aku bingung sekali bagaimana menggunakan perangkat lunak itu. Sedikit coba-coba, akhirnya aku tahu, kalau orang yang aku tuju aku klik, maka aku akan memulai chat dengannya. Lagi-lagi tampilan yang sangat sederhana, sederhana, tidak ada fitur, seharusnya tidak membingungkan, tapi aku malah bingung.

Akhir kata, program itu bagus juga!
yuku@adhi : 2007-12-25 11:16:15 UTC+0000
diacu: >>12
Selamat, akhirnya guto memegang kekuasaan?
365 hari lalu juga terjadi suatu peristiwa yang sama dengan hari ini loh.
yaitu peringatan hari Natal.
Maka melalui tempat ini ku mengucapkan *Selamat Natal* kepada semua pembaca :D
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2007-12-25 11:27:47 UTC+0000
Selamat Natal semua...
Semoga Natal ini memberi makna yang lebih indah dari Natal-Natal sebelumnya..^^
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2007-12-25 11:29:57 UTC+0000
diacu: >>14

Aku melihat iklan halaman itu di facebook, lalu aku buka, ada beberapa perangkat lunak untuk telepon sellular.

Apakah ada yang pernah mencoba?
Di situ sich katanya free... tapi... entahlah...
yuku@adhi : 2007-12-25 16:04:06 UTC+0000
Ko dibilangnya gratis2 tapi pas kucoba buka SuperMiners, adanya donlot trial version yah?
Kurang berguna dong. dotsis mana nih?
adhi@adhi : 2007-12-25 16:40:22 UTC+0000
tes password baru...
adhi(CBwSSs8WrHtk)@adhi : 2008-04-07 13:09:45 UTC+0000
adhi@adhi : 2008-04-15 10:25:03 UTC+0000
Senin, 14 April 2008
Waktu pulang hampir tiba, ponselku berdering. Nomornya diawali 021, kode areaku. Aku angkat, sebuah perusahaan memberiku kesempatan untuk tes, padahal kemarin sore (Minggu, 13 April 2008) aku baru saja mengirimkan lamaran untuk lowongan yg sudah dibuka sejak pertengahan Januari.
adhi@adhi : 2008-04-15 10:44:47 UTC+0000
diacu: >>19
Selasa, 15 April 2008
aku dan partner(teman satu profesi, sesama pengangguran) dipanggil ke office bersama bos(kepala divisi+atasan langsung aku) oleh manager. Aku deg2an, ada apa nih?
Di office, kami bertemu OJJ (Orang Jepang dari Jepang). Dia kayaknya cukup disegani karena dia sering diperbincangkan sejak kunjungannya. Dia ajak aku ngomong pakai Bahasa Jepang. Aku ga ngerti. Lalu, dia memperkenalkan dirinya, aku menjawab, "Hajimemaste, Watashi wa Adhi des." Akhirnya ada juga kata2 yg bisa kuucapkan. Inti pembicaraan, kami akan dikirim ke Jepang setelah bisa Bahasa Jepang sedikit. Divisiku akan pindah ke gedung perusahaan sebelah dan kami akan menjabat di bagian manajerial perusahaan. Kami harus menjadi contoh bagi bawahan2 kami sekarang dan nanti. Aku tahu itu karena manager menerjemahkannya. Sepanjang percakapan aku hanya bisa bilang "Hait!" (salah, harusnya "Hai") dan satu kali bilang "Wakarimas".

Sebelum pulang, aku sempat ngobrol sedikit sama Bos. Orang2 yg mau keluar, kalau ga salah dengar, jadi keluar. Itu artinya aku mungkin akan sangat dibutuhkan. Dilema lagi..
yuku@adhi : 2008-04-16 05:22:44 UTC+0000
>>18 WAaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA???? KAGEEDDD~~~~~
Hah, sukses amat! Eh, jangan disia2kan kesempatan ini, setelah ini belom tentu mu dapet
kesempatan ke luar negeri lagi. Dapat pengalaman baru, budaya baru, cara pikir baru,
mungkin dapat yang kawaii juga (he he). Nanti akan kukunjungi kalo mu uda di sana :D
ayoooo!!!!! wakarimasu!!!!!  hajimemasite watasi wa adhi desu motto ie!!!! (katakan lebih banyak!!)

↑Wah pos yang penuh tanda seru.
adhi@adhi : 2008-04-16 13:31:31 UTC+0000
Rabu, 16 April 2008
Misi hari ini: bertemu satu-satunya asmen di perusahaanku, gagal. Informasi gagal didapat.
Pagi ini aku ditegur operator karena aku lupa pakai id card. Aku langsung ngacir, ambil&pakai, lalu mengucapkan terima kasih karena telah mengingatkan. Terngiang dalam kepalaku, "aku harus menjadi contoh" Duh, agak susah juga.
Sore ini, aku ditelpon ketika sedang belajar di perusahaan. 021 lagi. Aku pikir, masa lowongan kerja lagi? Aku angkat, ternyata konsumen divisiku. Dia cari leader2ku, tapi mereka sudah pulang. Dia beritahu aku, karena perusahaannya mati lampu, maka konsumennya akan mengunjungi perusahaanku untuk cek stok dan kondisi SORE INI. Aku tunggu sampai jam 19:45 ga datang. Aku tinggal pulang.
Btw, sore ini aku ke wc karyawan pakai sepatu (ga ganti bakiak), tapi kayaknya ga ada yg lihat, jadi AMAN. He3.
adhi@adhi : 2008-04-17 12:57:29 UTC+0000
diacu: >>22
Kamis, 17 April 2008
Kemarin, aku baru tahu kalau seorang dari bagian GA sudah resign. Jumat lalu, ketika pulang, dia tanya apakah aku betah. Setelah aku jawab, dia suruh aku tanya dia. Dia bilang, ga betah, kerja di office tuh kalau pulang kepala rasanya pusing. Pagi ini aku dengar orang office curhat sama Bos. Kayaknya proses resign-nya seperti perang.
Pagi ini tujuh orang (semua pilar) dari divisiku resign. Setelah sekitar dua minggu ada rapat pagi lagi. Isinya hanya perpisahan. Setelah itu, mereka bubar. Konsumennya konsumenku berkunjung, aku yang terima. Orang Kawan Lama, aku juga yang terima. Pertama kali buat memo lembur, pusing banget. Partnerku buat memo hari ini, aku buat memo untuk shift (malam) minggu depan, padahal nama&naik_jemputan_apa untuk semua orang aku ga tau. Untung mereka sangat kooperatif bantu aku buat. Rasanya seperti tikus ditinggal di tengah hutan.
Kunci duplikat sudah berhasil dibuat. Nanti malam barang-barang akan diangkut ke tempat kos, tapi tidur masih di rumah kontrakan untuk terakhir kali.
f_u@adhi : 2008-04-18 04:40:39 UTC+0000
waa... hebaat, langsung promosi dong.. tapi mending cari tau alasan yang pasti kenapa 7 orang itu resign barengan,..
met pindahan,..
adhi@adhi : 2008-04-19 08:11:26 UTC+0000
Jumat, 18 April 2008
Pagi-pagi Orang dari Jepang lainnya datang. Dia seorang engineer. Sekarang engineer di divisiku ada dua orang. Dia agak bisa bahasa Indonesia.
Aku hitung NG(reject) kemarin, lalu aku cocokkan dengan laporan. Ada satu yang ga sama. Aku tanya pembuat laporan, lalu kami hitung barengan. Ternyata, AKU YANG SALAH.
Aku dan partner buat memo lembur. Bos lagi di luar, sedangkan waktu submit sudah dekat. Aku sampai ditelpon office. Akhirnya aku telpon bos untuk melaporkan perkiraan kebutuhan lembur kami. Ternyata, dia mau dua line tertentu lembur malam ini, padahal orangnya ga tau. Dia bilang kepadaku,"kan kemarin saya sudah bilang!" Jleb deh. Kami berusaha nelpon orang2, tapi malam ini tetap ga bisa. Konsekuensinya, pengiriman minggu depan bisa minus sepanjang minggu. Atur orang benar2 repot. Lembur malam saja banyak yang sudah bilang ga mau, tapi malam ini memang ga ada yg lembur.
Masalah yang dari kamis terjadi sampai sekarang. Satu orang delivery tidak disukai tiga lainnya, padahal pengiriman berpasangan. Orang yg berpasangan dg orang yg ga disukai, pagi ini bilang dia mau izin, untungnya itu hanya main2 saja. Waktu itu dia bilang kalau pasangannya tetap, dia akan sering izin. Sore ini dia ga mau pergi bareng. Akhirnya kami carikan pengganti dari kanban man yang nganggur.
adhi@adhi : 2008-04-19 08:54:43 UTC+0000
Sabtu, 19 April 2008
Tes di perusahaan yang nelpon waktu Senin lalu. Waktu aku masuk, pesertanya baru 3 orang, CEWEK semua! Aku tanya apakah lowongannya untuk cewek aja dan untungnya TIDAK. Orang yg datang sekitar 1/2 dari yg diundang(15). Cewek yang duduk di sebelahku, Citra, baru selesai s2 di itb (s1 di UNPAR juga). Beuh, saingan berat nih.
Tes dibagi 3:
1. personality 10'+5'
tiap nomer, ada 4 pilihan, tentuin satu yang paling sesuai(M) dan satu yang paling ga sesuai(L).
2. bahasa inggris 20'+5'
buat essay sekitar 100 kata untuk setiap soal(2) dalam bahasa inggris. Nanti ini akan dibaca Userku.
* ke WC massal, saingan lain, namanya mirip namaku, cowok juga, sudah diterima 2 perusahaan dari 2 yang panggil (100% dong), tapi dia tolak.
3. aritmatik dan kasus 1.5 jam
10 soal cerita dan dua soal kasus tentang iklan dan data hasil survey.
Citra jawab soal essay panjang-panjang. Bikin takut aja. Ga tau dia nulis apa aja.
Setelah itu, penjelasan singkat tentang perusahaan. Lalu pulang. Aku ngobrol bentar sama Vina, dia salah seorang yang datang saat injury time (jam9). Ternyata, dia TI juga, tapi Trisakti. Dia juga kenal beberapa anak UNPAR seangkatannya(2004), seperti Alin dan Chris dari LKTI. Dalam hatiku, "Wow, peserta LKTI! (dulu aku pernah mau ikut, tapi aku ga diberi kesempatan)" Sekarang aku jadi pesimis.
adhi@adhi : 2008-04-20 10:40:16 UTC+0000
Pagi ini aku naik bus internal ke depan lalu turun di depan Siloam Hospital. Di sana ada umat2 yg bawa mobil mampir dan bantu umat lain yg butuh angkutan ke sekolah Trinitas, tempat misa diadakan.
Setelah misa, aku ikut mobil umat lain sampai ke lampu merah. Dari sana jalan sedikit sampai ke terminal, lalu naik bis AO jurusan Blok M (Rp 10,000). Kemarin aku janjian bertemu teman di ex.
Aku turun di terminal terdekat setelah bus belok ke jalur yang ga sama dengan plang petunjuk jalan ke Bundaran HI. Dari terminal itu, aku jalan sebentar ke terminal sebelumnya lalu tanya polisi gimana cara ke ex. Lalu aku naik metromini no. 640 (Rp 2,000), turun di Bundaran HI. Aku tanya satpam di Plaza Indonesia, gimana cara ke ex, katanya lewat sini saja, naik ke lt. 2, nanti ada jembatan. Aku naik ke lt. 2, lalu telpon temanku, ternyata dia ada di swalayan di PI juga, lantai bawah. Kami pun bertemu. Mission accomplished.
Ternyata, selain naik metromini, aku juga bisa naik busway (terminalnya di tengah jalan) koridor I yang warna merah (Rp 3,500).
adhi@adhi : 2008-04-21 10:24:48 UTC+0000
Senin, 21 April 2008
Worker di divisiku sebagian besar merupakan karyawan perusahaan lain (subkontrak). Salah satu perusahaan ternyata tidak memiliki ijin, maka kami ingin mengurangi pekerja yg berasal dari mereka. Pagi-pagi kami rapat. Dari 35, 10 mau diangkat kontrak pt. Khawatir akan kecemburuan dari pegawai lain, dari semua 15 diambil. Pemberhentian dan pengangkatan akan dilakukan secara parsial supaya beban melatih ga terlalu berat dan kontrak ga habis bersamaan.
Di tengah rapat, ppc konsumen telepon, menanyakan dengan amarah mengapa ada part yang tidak dikirim sabtu lalu. Itu memang salah kami sich. Aku juga ga bisa membela diri. Yah!
Memo lembur lebih sulit karena workernya kurang kooperatif. Aku harus tanya sendiri satu per satu. PPC ingin 5 line lembur, tapi 2 operator ga masuk dan 3 operator ga bisa, maka hanya 4 line yg bisa. Bujuk-bujuk, akhirnya 2 dari 3 yg ga bisa mau. Berhasil!
Hari ini ga ada telepon panggilan interview.
adhi@adhi : 2008-04-22 12:29:47 UTC+0000
Selasa, 22 April 2008
2 orang kepala shift diangkat, mereka efektif sejak 2 Mei. Salah satu tugas mereka, kata Bos, adalah menentukan part yang mau diproses (Loh.. Itu kan tugasku?) Aku diminta untuk buat laporan driver, mulai dan pulang kerja. Aku ga pernah catat, tapi aku dibantu dg fotokopi absensi mereka. Laporan itu benar2 membingungkan. Driver kan datang lebih awal dan ga langsung pulang. Aku juga menemukan yg masuk tapi ga keluar. Akhirnya, aku buat sesukaku saja.
Sebelum pulang, kami menulis daftar part yg harus dikirim jam 5:00 besok. Menjelang pulang, worker bagian delivery protes. Beberapa part ga bisa dikirim karena conveyor konsumen penuh, kalau part diletakkan di atas palet, nanti mereka diomelin. Aku minta office girl yg buat surat jalan tunggu, tapi bel pulang sudah berbunyi, sedangkan dia ga lembur. Maka, dia ngomel dan kami mengalah. Surat jalan ga perlu dia ubah. Setelah dia pulang, aku ketik sendiri deh (pakai mesin tik).
Office girl itu benar2 merepotkan. Kemarin, aku mau mencocokkan laporan NG dg catatan lapangan. Salah seorang dari mereka menghampiriku dan bilang, "Memangnya ada yang salah!" Aku belum periksa, jadi aku bilang, "Ya ga sich." lalu dia langsung ambil semua kertas di hadapanku dan banting di meja yg ada di belakangku. Aku protes secara halus menanyakan mengapa dia mengambil kertas2 yg sedang aku lihat, dia malah menjawab dengan ketus bahwa dia sudah cek, kalau salah dia yg perbaiki, aku cek lagi untuk apa, kalau aku cek dia ga perlu cek. Aku pun mengalah. Fiuh.. kenapa sich harus seperti itu.
adhi@adhi : 2008-04-27 13:18:39 UTC+0000
Rabu, 23 April 2008
Pagi2 aku berdebat canda dengan partnerku dan itu berakhir dengan pertengkaran. Dia minta supaya dia bisa ikut saudaraku padahal dia ga kenal dan aku pun ga ikut pulang. Aksi terakhirnya adalah menutup laptop kami di hadapanku dan pergi keluar. Dia tak mau berbicara denganku. Saat itu aku sadar bahwa aku ga bisa kerja ketika aku sedang bermasalah, tapi aku bilang pada diriku sendiri, berhentilah untuk tidak menghasilkan apapun, aku tidak akan kalah hanya oleh hal seperti itu!
Salah satu line berhenti sejak minggu lalu. Salah satu part yg diproses di line itu stock finished goods-nya sudah kurang dari permintaan besok. Hari ini, dua orang dari konsumen (1 PPC dan 1 Purchasing) menelponku untuk menanyakan hal ini. Hal yg aku lakukan adalah memberikan janji2 bahwa besok Line 1 sudah bisa jalan, permintaan akan dapat kami penuhi, sehingga konsumennya konsumenku ga perlu stop line. Orang pertama juga bilang bahwa ucapan bosku selalu mundur dua hari.
Sebelum jam berakhir waktu tanpa lembur, partnerku mengajak bersalaman dan minta maaf. Dia bilang, dia melakukan itu untuk melihat respon office girl yg dua hari lalu ngomel, apakah dia akan senang, memecah belah, dll. Office girlnya sich cuek aja. Btw, aku lega.
Makan malam di mall. Aku dapat uang kembalian <Rp100. Aku panggil pelayannya dan bilang. Lalu dia kasih aku kembalian Rp200. Aku panggil lagi. Dia bilang, ga ada kembalian, maka aku kembalikan Rp100. Jadi pas kan?
adhi@adhi : 2008-04-27 13:19:57 UTC+0000
Kamis, 24 April 2008
Hari ini, aku menginstruksikan delivery untuk mencatat stock finished goods kami yang ada di konsumen. Seperti kejadian yang lalu, konsumen tetap minta barang ketika line sedang stop padahal, menurut delivery, stock di sana masih banyak.
Ada dua orang dari divisi lain yang diperbantukan di divisiku. Keduanya adalah engineer. Aku mengobrol dengan salah seorang dari mereka. Penyetelan mesin untuk line yang stop lewat dari target, ternyata, karena kalau mesin dijalankan dengan setelan lama, tool akan menabrak material yang diproses. "JDER!", begitu katanya. Selain itu, nomer program juga berubah. Hal ini disinyalir merupakan perbuatan orang yang minggu lalu keluar.
Dia pernah dikirim ke Jepang, 2004-2005 (1 tahun) dan DIA GA DIJAMIN (pakai kontrak). Wow! Btw, dia memang sudah menjadi pegawai tetap.
Hari ini aku ga bisa telepon, SMS, dan konek dengan GPRS, padahal aku lagi butuh.
adhi(6kYSbG9kBMo6)@adhi : 2008-05-11 04:20:58 UTC+0000
Sabtu, 10 April 2008
Hari ini, aku memaksakan diri untuk masuk kerja walaupun aku malas (setiap hari aku sebenarnya memang malas) karena kepala shift tidak masuk sedangkan seseorang harus mengendalikan produksi, maka aku pun berinisiatif untuk masuk kerja. Di jalan, aku diajak operator nebeng (dia naik motor), asik, padahal aku sedang menunggu bus. Di jalan, salah seorang office girl (sekarang office girlnya tinggal satu orang, office girl yang lain sudah keluar) menelponku, dia juga tidak bisa masuk kerja. Hari ini, aku bekerja sebagai baik PPC, kepala shift, maupun office girl. Hiks..
Sepulang kerja, aku langsung kembali ke kos dan bersiap-siap karena aku berencana untuk pergi jam16. Ternyata, jadwal meleset, jam16 kurang 9menit aku baru menunggu bus internal. Aku tidak mungkin naik bus jam16. Aku tetap berusaha pergi ke terminal secepatnya, ternyata jam16:30an ada bus yang berangkat juga. Aku tiba di PI jam18 kurang (aku janjian dengan temanku jam18). Asik, tepat waktu lagi.
Setelah bertemu dengan temanku, kami membeli dua tiket di Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia, Rp 40,000/orang (Takai kan?). Lalu kami berangkat ke tanjung duren. Di tanjung duren, aku berkenalan dengan dua (tiga) orang temannya temanku, yaitu Ditto dan Doni (dan pacarnya Doni). Kami makan Soto Betawi (semua orang makan daging sapi, kecuali aku makan daging kambing). Nasi+Soto Betawi(kambing)+es teh tawar = Rp 39,000. Pesanan yang sama jika dagingnya bukan daging kambing, tapi daging sapi = Rp 26,000. Kesimpulan, daging kambing lebih mahal, lebih ga sehat lagi (heran!).
Jam9++ kami baru berangkat dari tempat makan. Temanku sempat di-takut-takut-i bahwa kami tidak akan tiba tepat waktu, tapi ternyata kami berhasil sampai jam9 kurang sekitar 10menit. He3. Kita memang perlu selalu berpikir positif.
Malam ini aku menginap di kos temanku (di karawaci, wah!)
adhi(+sX6o1oyyuzv)@adhi : 2009-01-10 02:58:21 UTC+0000
Pagi ini ku dibangunkan Handi, "Ko, ada surat!" Lalu dia lempar surat itu padaku dan "Dugg..." Surat itu membentur daguku. Terima kasih pada Foo, Tombo, dan Kuya (kelelawar, capung, dan kura-kura) atas ucapannya. I think you should know that I miss You too dan surat keras juga.
adhi(+sX6o1oyyuzv)@adhi : 2009-01-12 16:42:32 UTC+0000
diacu: >>33
Sabtu, 10 Januari 2008 aku daftarkan http://tvbayar.blogspot.com di Google, Yahoo, dan MSN.
Senin, 12 Januari 2008, http://tvbayar.blogspot.com terdaftar di Google
Yahoo belum.
MSN juga belum.
Susah juga daftarinnya yah. Jadi penasaran, dulu Kejut.com gimana bisa terdaftar yah?
Rin@adhi : 2009-01-14 16:20:18 UTC+0000
Masuk blogspot kan perlu google account, jadi itu 2 ada kerja sama, makanya cepat masuk.... ^^;;;
yuku@adhi : 2009-05-01 12:57:09 UTC+0000
Eh, kata paman wiki,

Adhi is a village in Shahkot. Shahkot is a city in the district Jalandhar of Indian state of Punjab.


Adhi lies on the Nakodar-Kapurthala road. It is almost 18 km from Nakodar. The nearest railway station to Adhi is Nakodar railway station at a distance of 18 km.

Post code

Adhi's Post code is 144623.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-08-19 23:13:58 UTC+0000
Friday, 20 August 2010

My BlackBerry woke me up this morning. I got two messages, one BBM message and one text message. I was certainly not happy with the first one because I needed to do something with it and I decided that I wouldn't. For the second one, I was not sure whether I should be happy or not because it's about something that I was working on and it wasn't progressing well.

This morning, in my mind, I thought, "The strong wind blew, the storm came and soon the tornado will come". I don't know what to prepare and just hope that it will not happen.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-08-22 03:24:20 UTC+0000
diacu: >>37
Saturday, 21 August 2010

I start doing my old habit again, turning my mobile off before I go to bed, with hope that I can sleep well. I slept early to wake up early, but then I woke up too early (I knew this because it's still dark outside). I turned on my mobile (today I woke my mobile up, not the opposite) and I got some messages. One of those is asking whether I will come to my friend's graduation or not. Another friend graduating, I went back to my bed and thought about my friends. One by one left me and I didn't have any solution to prevent losing friends, especially that came from different origins with me. I might lose them forever. Space does matter.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-08-22 10:46:37 UTC+0000
>>36 wrong date: Sunday, 22 August 2010
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-08-23 00:57:04 UTC+0000
diacu: >>39
Sunday, 23 August 2010

There are only 7 days left before The Warm September comes, but I still can't let this month goes away. Yesterday, the priest in the church said that, "No Pain, No Gain" My only concern right now is whether I have got enough pain or not. I am afraid that I haven't done as much as I could to claim my gains. Am I too greedy? That's my other concern.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-08-23 01:23:05 UTC+0000
On Sale:
Item: BlackBerry Bold 9000 (not new)
Price: AUD 400 (negotiable)
- Accessories complete (with box)
- 2 GB Micro SD card
- Still working well and unlocked
- There is little dent on the bottom

I sell it due to upgrade to Bold 9700

Whoever interested, please reply this message. Thank you.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-08-23 23:20:37 UTC+0000
diacu: >>41
Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Good morning everyone. No good news for today.
yuku@adhi : 2010-08-27 06:17:11 UTC+0000
How about today?
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-08-28 23:10:14 UTC+0000
Sunday, 29 August 2010

- Three days ago, my status in Facebook:

Adhi (to His Brain): Hi, I am in a really tight deadline, can I start storing FINS5530?
Adhi's Brain (to him): Sorry, we are currently busy relocating (forgetting) FINS5535. Your emotion doesn't want to help out, so it may take a little longer. You can try again tomorrow.
Adhi: Whattt???

- Two days ago, my brain still did not want to be cooperative at all. Later in this day, I attended Yen's graduation. She looked very happy. After that, I came to Ferina's Birthday Surprise Meeting. She looked very happy as well. I think those two occurrences eased me, thus emotionally I felt better, thus after that my brain started to function better. I studied until a bit late, but it's still not enough since at that time, it's only around 12 hours before the test and I felt quite tired.

- One day ago (a.k.a. Yesterday), I don't like this day, so I'll just skip it.

- Today: I have some arrangements for today, thus I think I will still leave my dirty clothes untouched again (it's been 11 days since the last time I did my laundry). I want to go a.s.a.p., but whoever is in the bathroom locks it, thus I can't get in. I need to be patient. I need to be patient. I need to be patient. Screw her!
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-08-29 23:22:30 UTC+0000
Monday, 30 August 2010

Counting days to a new month (September) and toward the end of all the opportunities. I still don't feel excited since a lot of things didn't turn out as expected.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-08-31 12:14:44 UTC+0000
Tuesday, 31 August 2010

This is the last day of August. In roughly two hours, September will come. This also marks people who just left me. My friend, Meldy, said that this is the circle of life (we hang out with different group of friends periodically). I practically don't like this because most of them, I don't know what to do to meet them again. It's just like watching the destruction of myself. I am like this because people support me, they give me courage to move and help me to make things happen, then now I am watching them leaving me one-by-one, including the important ones.

I want to scream loudly, really loudly: "Guys, don't leave me, I need all of you!". Selfishly, I am thinking to tie them on top of Sydney Tower to make sure they are here until my graduation, but it's too selfish, I should be supportive to them as well, thus I let them leave and leave marks (the painful one) in my heart.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-09-01 20:53:10 UTC+0000
Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Today is my birthday. I purposely didn't want to celebrate it for some reasons, thus I didn't really tell anyone about my birthday, I didn't put it in Facebook as well, and I asked my friends (Felix and Yen) not to tell anyone.
I went better than I expected it would be. People who congratulate me:
1. My family and a friend from Singapore (Before morning)
2. Two friends from Bandung and a friend from Sydney/Melbourne (Before noon)
until I did a mistake.

Today, my activity is quite packed. I have 6 hours lecture, 3 hours ticket selling duty, and I am completing documents for the club I am actively involved in. The last thing I did was I met my club's president to do something, then Felix called me and congratulated me on my birthday. Then he asked me to let him spoke to the President, thus the President knew that it's my birthday, thus he blasted text messages telling most of the club's execs that it's my birthday. Then they started to send me text messages.
After that Felix came and met me in my school (I met the president there) and kept me on the school's main walk, then I met everyone and I had my birthday celebrated in the middle of the night on the street. I was actually moved, but thankfully no tears because they joked too much (otherwise I am ashamed of myself). LOL.

Thus, I would like to thank around 7 people that rushed to meet me at that certain night.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-09-02 22:47:02 UTC+0000
Thursday, 2 September 2010

After I went back from roughly 10 hours trip to Hunter Valley with my friends, I attended another farewell dinner. This marked a new life for me since starting the day after that day, I will ask myself to move forward and do things that I abandon within this 6 weeks. It's been unfair to everyone, but I must admit that my top priority is always MySelf.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-09-05 11:39:28 UTC+0000
Sunday, 5 September 2010

Yesterday is a history and tomorrow is the future.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-09-06 15:35:56 UTC+0000
diacu: >>49
Monday, 6 September 2010

First day of LEAD (a leadership program), another failure happened during the opening function. I am still not good at working under pressure and I can't contribute enough to the team as well. Nice talk with Bruce. The two speakers (Jaco Loc and Paul Burgress) were great. Now I have further understanding about what is leadership and a myself.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-09-06 15:38:00 UTC+0000
>>48 Just a quick note to myself: I think I know what I will do for the next 3 months and it is trying to always be positif, be positif, be positif (Thus I may inspire at least myself and hopefully others when they are in downturn).
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-09-12 23:52:28 UTC+0000
Monday, 13 September 2010

Woke up in the morning and realised that I am back to school! The three-days LEAD Residential Camp was enjoyable and I enjoyed it too much. Right now, I feel... pegal-pegal and I am afraid about my presentation this afternoon.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-09-13 18:50:35 UTC+0000
Monday, 13 September 2010

First presentation using Palm Card = Messed Up. Thankfully, my two other friends backed me up, thus I think our group was pretty much saved.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-09-14 10:37:12 UTC+0000
Tuesday, 14 September 2010

I may not the smartest person in my uni, but I realised something important, that is WE ARE IN CRISIS! (Note to the reader: WE refer to something that may be uncommon) and since I am the one who come up with this idea, thus I am the one responsible to make changes. However, I don't know what to do. The furthest I can do is to do some more effort to communicate it and make sure that we are not the ones to blame if we are DOWN.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-09-14 23:55:06 UTC+0000
Wednesday, 15 September 2010

On the news BlackBerry is in a pinch. Number of BlackBerry Torch sold was only 150,000 devices in its first week during its wide release back then (indication of low market hype for the new product). Then, Morgan Stanley, UBS and some other corporation are testing iPhone and thinking to change system from BlackBerry to iPhone (corporation is BlackBerry's main market segment, if they loose it, then I think that's it). Their problem in middle east leads to distrust in BlackBerry security and their customers change their preferences (Product image shifted). This is not a good time for BlackBerry. It was also said that RIM (BlackBerry maker) did mistakes that Palm did before it went bankrupt.

On the other hand, the release of iAd and Google Ad some months back make me think that iPhone and Android phone may be a complicated and ad heavy phone which sometime is annoying, furthermore I think both device has been used frequently by software developers to collect data (because many apps require internet connection to developers server thus it may be used to collect personal data). It can happen to any phone, but based on the growth, both two may be the fastest to reach that level (this may not be true since I don't use any of it). The industry has been developed quite significant and I am excited to hear some news about the upcoming Symbian^3 and especially Windows Phone 7.

Wish me luck for my mid-session exam today :p
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-09-21 00:39:40 UTC+0000
Monday, 20 September 2010

Ad hoc.
Bad things happen three times in a day.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

One of the problem in the previous day still happens.
Another Ad hoc.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-10-02 06:01:12 UTC+0000
Friday, 1 October 2010

I woke up, set up my Macbook (not laptop) and did my assignment. Then my friend woke up, he went down and brought me a warm meat pie. I was happy.

I went to Aldi Stores after quite sometime and I bought my favorite Apple-Mango juice. I was happy.

I had a lunch in Ramen Kan, the first time I felt satisfied with my food: Aburi Unagi Don. Thanks to Felix's suggestion. I was happy.

I got a phone call from my cousin and asked me to have a dinner. I meet my Uncle, my Auntie, and my cousins and an old friends. The food in the restaurant, Na, is great. The foods looked nice and tasted good. I am satisfied with both the food, the atmosphere of the restaurant and my reunion with people who I want to treasure a lot. I was happy.

I was late around 1 hour, but thankfully I still could get in. My friend suggestion to keep Wikipedia Page on "Wall Street: Money Never Sleep" really helped me to catch up with the story. Overall, I think I would like to put "Oliver Stone" in my "unlike" section because I didn't really satisfy with the movie. However, after the movie, my friends gave me a surprise. 1 Month after my birthday, I got my birthday present. Very Surprising. I didn't know how to react. LOL.

This day was a really happy day.

I was glad to all the good things that God gave me and I felt that He cared a lot to me.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-10-03 23:42:55 UTC+0000
diacu: >>58
Tuesday, 3 October 2010

I asked a question to myself: "What have you done in the previous 1.5 years?"

The answer is: "Being lazy."

So pathetic.

Then, I need to do something about it.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-10-04 06:32:55 UTC+0000
diacu: >>59
If I failed to do the same thing in more than one place, then the one that is wrong is not the places, but it's me. I just realized that. I am so stupid.
That's why I think KPI is really important.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2010-10-04 06:33:37 UTC+0000
>>56 Wrong date, today is still Monday, 3 October 2010
yuku@adhi : 2010-10-08 08:33:14 UTC+0000
diacu: >>60
what is KPI?
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2011-06-02 15:38:08 UTC+0000
It stands for Key Performance Indicator
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2011-06-03 00:53:13 UTC+0000
1. IceTrack: article about common face in TV advertisements (english only)
2. Kejut: Monthly article about Korean News Update, data collected since Early June, article finished on end of June (Indonesia only)
3. Melet: begini saja lah
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2011-11-03 16:06:42 UTC+0000
diacu: >>63
6 months have passed by.
I've failed again... (again... (again...)), but I believe this time it's not fully my fault, but because of third party involvement.

I am going to make a recap about the last 6 months.

1. I have been acting just like my operators used to do.
I may not be able to do what was told, but I always said "If you teach me, I will be able to do it".
The privilege of being an operator is that I don't have to think much and simply do. Less headache, but also less compensation.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2011-11-03 16:15:53 UTC+0000
diacu: >>64
2. About being a brand ambassador
I still remember and live just like what my previous boss used to tell me: "You have to be an example for others"
and it has a lot of meanings. One of those is what I am reminded again and again, that myself reflects the image of who I am working for.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2011-11-03 16:25:52 UTC+0000
3. About Strategic Thinking
I still remember what somebody from my previous company told me that I was the one who should think, not my operators, because they couldn't.
Now it makes even more sense.

My supervisor is someone with strategic thinking. He knows what is the impact of an action and so does what should be done to give more impact and when.

Therefore it's necessary (especially when dealing with other departments) to report to the supervisor before answering or giving responses.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2012-08-08 14:31:43 UTC+0000
My 32nd day at work.
The company that I worked for struck by a global news. Our franchise in NY was accused for alleged money laundering violation involving Iran.
We are the third company originated from the same country which immersed in scandals.
The company was also struck by a local news. Not really a news, just readers' opinion, or more precisely... complaint because he was supposed to get a gift, but somehow he hasn't and it has been a month. I did the calculation for that.
Is this a sign?
adhi(0vTmS2U7PrJ3)@adhi : 2013-08-19 06:38:24 UTC+0000
Feel stuck. Feel stressed. Definitely not in a good mood.
Feel not satisfied. Feel not creative. Definitely not being positive.

Temporary solution: start to write little things about me again.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2013-08-19 14:42:01 UTC+0000
What inspired me today are:
- Chitato can be more addictive than cigarettes + it is better than others because it can make you feel dumb (goblok).
- It may be a good idea to have all daily tools in android device. Not just apps, but also tooth brush, razor, ... just to remind me that I don't forget to do it (feel lazy).
- Handover is difficult, not because I am possessive, but I am not good in explaining things (yet)
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2014-08-14 16:53:28 UTC+0000
diacu: >>69
This is a story about a friend.

There was a girl which he never met, he never seen, but everyone just kept talking about her. He couldn't help to be curious about her.

Through random chat, he got to know what had happened to her.
Through group chat, he got to see a glimpse of her figures (she's pretty).
Through facebook, he got to know their friends-in-common.

His brain seemed to accept the idea that he was into her.
Whenever he heard someone talking about her, he unintentionally put an effort to overheard the conversation.
Whenever he saw someone with similar figure with her, neural impulse seemed to be sent automatically, so his heart beat slightly faster.
Whenever he was alone, he had an idea to think about her.

The idea of her circled around his daily life and it seemed that he realized that he liked his fantasy about her.
Unfortunately, that was just His Idea.
On the other hand, She had No Idea.

I thought that it could represent the term: One-Sided-Love.
yuku@adhi : 2014-08-15 06:04:11 UTC+0000
diacu: >>70
1. peer pressure
2. virtual is sometimes more acceptable than physical
3. idea is always Indah
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2014-08-15 16:53:05 UTC+0000
1. Nggak ah, itu mungkin lebih mirip indirect endorsement
2. Berkhayal itu memang lebih mudah ya...^^;
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2014-08-15 18:03:06 UTC+0000
The story continues...

Fortunately, he realized that as well.
He considered the act of accidentally-bumping-into-her, but he didn't know where she's going to be at.
He considered sending a message through digital channels, but he didn't know how to start the conversation.
He considered asking a favor to one of his friend-in-common, but his introvert nature took it as a No-Go action.
He run out of ideas.

In life there are challenges.
To encounter the really challenging ones, we have two options: to-give-up and to-hope
My friend choose to hope and pray to be given an opportunity.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2014-08-16 17:25:44 UTC+0000
And the story continues...

One day he met a friend.
His friend mentioned that he and other friends were planning to have a trip just outside the town and offered him to .
As he hadn't met him and the other friends for a while, he expressed his interest to take part in the trip.
Several days later, he was included in digital conversation about the trip.
He found out that the girl was interested to join as well.
That was a good chance to get along.

Prayer is always answered...
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2014-08-17 16:53:02 UTC+0000
People used to meet up and open a discussion to brainstorm ideas, finalize plans, get into an agreement.
Those days were gone and replaced by online chat room, group chat, and email circulation.

That exact digital medium helped my friend to know things about the trip, including who would show up and what were everyone's expectation.
As a group they seemed to do it as a weekend getaway, but everyone certainly had different reasons.
Some did it because they didn't want to be alone.
Some did it to bond with the group as they were new.
Some did it to maintain close relationship with everyone.
Some did it because somebody else joined the trip.

The last one seemed to be the reason for my friend to join in, but once he discovered that he wasn't the only one, someone else would also be there and that someone else had already had the upper hand.
He decided to not move forward and cancelled it.

Prayer is always answered. Sometimes it's a No, sometimes it's a Yes, sometimes we personally decided to make it a No.
adhi(0vTmS2U7PrJ3)@adhi : 2014-08-18 12:40:47 UTC+0000
It was like looking at a very moist red velvet cake showcased at an already closed store when he was severely craving it.
It was very tempting, but in this situation it was tricky to get it.
You might still get it by
breaking and entering
or chased down the owner to reopen the store,
but the cake might not taste as delicious as it was supposed to be.
The other option was to give up.

Similar to that case, my friend chose not to pursue it further.
However, it wasn't to give up. It was to let go.

There are several wisdoms to justify that may not be the right decision like:
- Fight for your love
- Love is blind
- Fight for your loved one to be happy, not fight for yourself
- Love is blindly recognized my own condition, but aware of her condition
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2014-08-21 13:51:55 UTC+0000
My friend told me
there were nights when sleep was not easy, even though he was the-sleepyhead-type.

The air was heavier and he just could not breathe properly.
The moon shine less brightly and he found it was hard to see clearly.
The temperature felt unusually hotter and moister and he was sweating a lot.

It felt like missing a piece of puzzle in the middle of an almost complete jigsaw.
It felt like dropping a pearl back into the ocean when he just found it.
It felt like breaking a glass into million pieces and everything pierced.

He looked O-Kay, but he actually wasn't.

Human's feeling is complex, it's hard to put words to describe it.
Adhi(Dkt3cJGXyks1)@adhi : 2014-09-04 15:46:57 UTC+0000
One day, there was a gathering event. i was there. There were a lot of people and I only knew about half of them. The girl was there too.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2014-10-04 14:36:59 UTC+0000
Then she vanished just like the wind... quietly... quickly...
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2014-10-04 14:52:18 UTC+0000
I am grateful for today, in which...
- I arrived safely and secured my usual seat
- I managed to notice a different answer between the trainer's and the book
- I went to a mall nearby without paying any parking fee since I didn't park there
- The girl sat in front of me told me about her week and it seemed mine was still better
- The guy that I filled up his attendance (with a made-up signature) showed up and forgave me for what I did (filled up his attendance)
- The policeman politely pointed up what I did wrong and helped me to pay my fine because of crossing the street mark
ななしさん(anonim)@adhi : 2014-10-05 17:20:25 UTC+0000
I am grateful today because...
- I have a plenty of sleep
- I managed to attend the afternoon mass
- I get buy 1 get 1 free at Starbuck and the waiters are very polite
- I made progress in my study
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2014-10-07 16:05:36 UTC+0000
I am grateful today because...
- I arrived on time for the second time this week
- I attended a meeting which didn't require extra work
- I met an old friend and she was progressing in her career rapidly as she was newly hired by another company
- The laundry guy was still willing to pick up laundry despite of late hour
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2014-10-08 15:55:36 UTC+0000
I am grateful because...
I realize that sometimes something happens in my life, not because of it happened for me, but it happened for others - My role in it is to lend a hand.
adhi(FHbf/lSxlpdi)@adhi : 2014-11-22 15:27:53 UTC+0000
Today is Saturday, to be exact, today is...
- one day before the Half Marathon
- about two weeks to the final exam

I should be sleeping since I have to wake up at 2 AM tomorrow
I should be studying since I am still far far away from ready for the test
but then...
I do none of those...

I stuck on the chair, looking at my laptop and a stack of paper and still no progress...
It just seems that whatever, or how hard I did, it won't work...
CesfoerseQJ(Rls0zWwj/nFJ)@adhi : 2017-03-31 00:45:37 UTC+0000
CesfoerseQJ(Rls0zWwj/nFJ)@adhi : 2017-03-31 11:14:10 UTC+0000
CesfoerseQJ(Rls0zWwj/nFJ)@adhi : 2017-03-31 23:14:42 UTC+0000
CesfoerseQJ(Rls0zWwj/nFJ)@adhi : 2017-04-01 22:47:41 UTC+0000


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