HORE <s>SERIBU</s>DUARIBU || ide yuku dan bukan ide yuku

No 1256-1263 No 1236-1255 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@yuku : 2008-10-25 04:56:16 UTC+0000
Solar: 24h version changes overview (not detailed!)

*Version 0.0: both game and engine not complete*

"bikingem" is the name of the game engine, emulating Game Maker.

r1: First import, some structure for bikingem.
r4: Room done and can have some object moving on the room
r5: room0 (daytime) almost complete (now working yet)
r6, r7: redesign of room type, passing the class instead of instances
r8, r9: add more objects: mosquitos, house, bush, wall, etc
r12: room transition, title screen added, mouse events
r13: global mouse events, instruction screen added
r14: drawing functions (triangle for the sun ray), sound looping, collision point
r15: fix wrong sprites, implementation of visibility, drawing colors
r17: accessing instance by class is somewhat slow, implement caching
r18: implement DEPTH! finally.
r19: sound play/loop/stop implementation, now the game is not silent anymore
r22 (release 0.0.22): implement drawing rectangle and image_angle, so racket can be rotated :)
r23: draw health bar
r25: implement sprite_index, now the object can change sprites, like going from day to night
r26: view can be scrolled :D
r28: create and destroy instance on the fly (used mainly for nyamuk!)
r31: add forEach function. So in GM if you do this:
with (nyamuk) {
  if (makan == 1) {
    kenyang = 1;
in bikingem engine you can do this
nyamuk.forEach(function() {
  if (this.makan == 1) {
    this.kenyang = 1;
r32, r33, r34, r35: preparation for pixel perfect collision detection :D
r36: set/get full screen

*Version 0.7: game fully playable!! Just not complete in polish*
r37 (release 0.7.37): Collision detection finished, this game is fully playable!
r39, r40, r41, r42: reorganization of naming. Now everything (sprite, room, background, sound) will start in lowercase. Only objects start in Uppercase.
r43: framework for effects ^^. Flare effect implemented (for sun and petromax)
r46: make nyamuk bouncing (move_bounce_solid)
r49: font framework, now can draw text on screen

*Version 0.8: game complete!!!*
r52 (release 0.8.52): smoke effect added for nyamuk that has been hit

*Published at* http://www.kejut.com/solar24h
*Published at* http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/466230
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-25 05:29:47 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1259 >>2145
Lirik lagu Doraemon versi Inggris (English version of Doraemon song lyrics)

(Lirik indonya disebelahkan biar lebih tau timingnya.)

This is nice (aku ingin begini)
paradise. (aku ingin begitu)

This dream, (ingin ini)
that dream, (ingin itu)
wishes are all around. (banyak sekali)

Everything you (semua semua semua)
want to come true (dapat dikabulkan)

in the magic (dapat dikabulkan dengan)
pocket (kantong)
can be found. (ajaib)

Want to fly (aku ingin terbang bebas)
free, (di)
oh yeah, (angkasa)

Hi takekoputa- (hai, baling2 bambu)

Oh, oh, oh, (la la la)
we love you so, (aku sayang sekali)
doraemon. (doraemon)
1peH@yuku : 2008-10-25 13:46:45 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1262
Ya selain nama raja, itu ada di cerita bola naga juga.
nasibbangsaku@yuku : 2008-10-25 13:47:03 UTC+0000
Lagu Doraemon versi baru, lebih menarik menurutku. Doraemon-nya lebih lucu juga =)

yuku@yuku : 2008-10-25 16:18:33 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1261
Riding the moon
Counting the stars
Your light is like a lamp
Lighten up my hopes

Sitting on the moon
Fly far to the sky
I will look for the sure direction
Exploring my life

I see everything is so beautiful
Nature sparkles, the universe sings
Oh, peace and happy
I feel it in my heart
No more sadness, no more loneliness

Riding the moon
Counting the stars
Tomorrow I will face
Without fear or vacillation
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-25 16:34:45 UTC+0000


悲しさなく 寂しさなく

心配なく 緊張なく
Rin@yuku : 2008-10-26 13:51:05 UTC+0000
Sebenarnya kalau lebih teliti lagi bisa tau bahwa saat nama jurus "Kamehameha" pertama kali disebut ada tokoh lain yang komentar "Bukannya itu nama raja hawaii?"
la(+dxmGRxiHnxe)@yuku : 2008-10-27 09:56:44 UTC+0000

rice is lonely without rat
waiting for the lovely rat
because of the hope that every love is possible

rice is so sad without rat
longing for the charming rat
because of the desire that true love can be met
      .la la la.


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