Solar: 24h version changes overview (not detailed!)

No 1256 No 1236-1255 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@yuku : 2008-10-25 04:56:16 UTC+0000
Solar: 24h version changes overview (not detailed!)

*Version 0.0: both game and engine not complete*

"bikingem" is the name of the game engine, emulating Game Maker.

r1: First import, some structure for bikingem.
r4: Room done and can have some object moving on the room
r5: room0 (daytime) almost complete (now working yet)
r6, r7: redesign of room type, passing the class instead of instances
r8, r9: add more objects: mosquitos, house, bush, wall, etc
r12: room transition, title screen added, mouse events
r13: global mouse events, instruction screen added
r14: drawing functions (triangle for the sun ray), sound looping, collision point
r15: fix wrong sprites, implementation of visibility, drawing colors
r17: accessing instance by class is somewhat slow, implement caching
r18: implement DEPTH! finally.
r19: sound play/loop/stop implementation, now the game is not silent anymore
r22 (release 0.0.22): implement drawing rectangle and image_angle, so racket can be rotated :)
r23: draw health bar
r25: implement sprite_index, now the object can change sprites, like going from day to night
r26: view can be scrolled :D
r28: create and destroy instance on the fly (used mainly for nyamuk!)
r31: add forEach function. So in GM if you do this:
with (nyamuk) {
  if (makan == 1) {
    kenyang = 1;
in bikingem engine you can do this
nyamuk.forEach(function() {
  if (this.makan == 1) {
    this.kenyang = 1;
r32, r33, r34, r35: preparation for pixel perfect collision detection :D
r36: set/get full screen

*Version 0.7: game fully playable!! Just not complete in polish*
r37 (release 0.7.37): Collision detection finished, this game is fully playable!
r39, r40, r41, r42: reorganization of naming. Now everything (sprite, room, background, sound) will start in lowercase. Only objects start in Uppercase.
r43: framework for effects ^^. Flare effect implemented (for sun and petromax)
r46: make nyamuk bouncing (move_bounce_solid)
r49: font framework, now can draw text on screen

*Version 0.8: game complete!!!*
r52 (release 0.8.52): smoke effect added for nyamuk that has been hit

*Published at*
*Published at*


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