HORE <s>SERIBU</s>DUARIBU || ide yuku dan bukan ide yuku

No 1238-1257 No 1218-1237 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@yuku : 2008-09-23 11:14:42 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1239
Contrast 2008 [5] >>1237

Only then, at the Games Convention Asia 2008 at Suntec Convention Hall, the winners
of Contrast 2008 are announced. In the beginning it was decided that there will be
only 3 winner teams out of 24 participating teams.

- Best Overall
- Most Innovative
- Most Entertaining

However, at the last minute, the judges announced that there is one more winner,
he calls it Most Promising. So, in total there are 4 winner teams.

As I mentioned on >>1227, out of the 24 teams, 5 teams consist of (partly or entirely)
people that went to GAMBIT internship (http://gambit.mit.edu). My team was one of them.

During the winner announcement, the "Most" winners were announced first. The judge said
that the Best Overall team will be awarded with $800, sponsored by Ubisoft. I thought
there were no prizes at all, because they never mentioned it.

Half surprisingly, the winners are all from GAMBIT. They are:

- Most Promising: Human vs Nature

  A strategy game with "nature" on the left, "humans" on the right. Players can choose to build
  strength, defence, or attack the opponent. The party that can go to the other side win. No AI,
  just a 2 player game.

- Most Innovative: MotherFarmer

  Players need to farm by bringing clouds to the seed and the trees. But, to bring the cloud,
  they need to move the mouse slowly. After the cloud arrives at the target, to grow the seed,
  click the mouse button rapidly. It goes very well with the game theme Fast and Slow.

- Most Entertaining: Moopoot

  I didn't know before this contest that cows can expel methane gas when they fart. If I am not
  mistaken, the gas is dangerous to the ozone. So, in this game, the player acts as a person that
  brings a pump to collect the cows' gas before the cows become inflated and go to the sky and
  break the ozone layer. A thing that is good here is that the artwork looks funny and polished.

- *Best Overall: Solar: 24h*

  This came as a big surprise to me and my team! We didn't expect winning that high, especially
  that the previous 3 winners had been announced. I liked a game created by the other GAMBIT team,
  and I thought it would be the winner. (The game was about earthworms that you can choose
  whether to split them to produce more but harder to control, or leave them as is.)

Because there was no leader, medo and I as the ones sat on the side, went towards the stage,
but I took medo's photo instead. The judge had more or less commented that the game was
made until it is perfectly complete and polished. He liked the ideas of using solar energy to kill
mosquitoes, especially when Dengue is being talked about. He also liked the ending animation
where the protagonist sleeps in peace after eliminating all the mosquitoes.

Here, for the second time (the first time was when the competition ended), I felt what I learned
at GAMBIT proved very useful in developing games. We didn't plan to create a complicated game
that was impossible to finish perfectly in 24 hours, instead we planned to limit the game to be
simple, straightforward, while preventing addition of unneeded "bonus" or "patch" features.
We had a relaxed time during the 24 hours, we had time to chat relaxedly both inside and outside
the computer lab.

Of course, the entire thing that happened here was impossible without Lord Jesus, who has in
His discretion made us come out with the idea and planning ^^

Want to try our game? Download here (Solar24h-1.0.exe) http://www.kejut.com/download/384
Rin@yuku : 2008-09-24 06:35:18 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1240
"addition of unneeded "bonus" or "patch" features" = feature creep?

Meaning that you're an advocate of KISS, right?

(KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid!)
Rin@yuku : 2008-09-24 12:26:19 UTC+0000
Wah aku salah tulis, harusnya karena yang dikutip sudah pakai tanda ["] maka yang luarnya pakai tanda [']....
Itu yang bener feature creep atau scope creep, ya? Di wikipedia ada artikel "scope creep" dan di sana "feature creep" disebut juga sebagai nama lainnya, tapi ada artikel terpisah bernama "feature creep".
yuku@yuku : 2008-09-29 16:07:22 UTC+0000
Sebuah lagu tentang kepindahan. Mungkin aku juga akan pindah dari kota ini....

berpindah ke kota lain
berbincang saat pulang sekolah pun aku tak bisa
menangiskah? rasanya bukan hal yang tepat
tapi ijinkan ku mengucapkan terima kasih
mulai sekarang dan kemudian

Please be my friend
jangan putuskan
benang penghubung perasaan

Please be my friend
walau waktu berlalu
mari berbicara seperti ini


anak pindahan. serasa tak tenang
tapi mungkin kan kutemukan diriku yang lain
kota yang jauh kah. sungai mengalir
datanglah ke tempatku
berjanjilah. mulai sekarang

Please be my friend
jangan putuskan
benang penghubung perasaan

Please be my friend
walau waktu berlalu
mari berbicara seperti ini


ku tak tahu gimana bilangnya
tapi ingin kusampaikan
pada teman hatiku

Please be my friend
jangan lepaskan
Please be my friend
walau waktu berlalu
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-01 15:27:44 UTC+0000

Ini jumlah yang dilakukan di komputerku selama menyala *sejak 2003-12-8*

409231 keliling putaran roda (9821551 ketuk)
9316374 klik kiri
177236 klik tengah
451196 klik kanan
38 juta penekanan kibod
1001 km gerakan kursor
1466 hari komputer menyala
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-04 15:01:03 UTC+0000
Flex 3.1 has a big flaw; you will not be able to assign some word as a key to an Array.

For example:
var a: Array = [];
a['pop'] = "pop.wav"; // this will throw RUN-TIME error.

var b = 'pop' // or some user input
a[b] = 123; // this will too.

My feeling is now I cannot make a RELIABLE Flex application just because of this!
This worked in Flex 3.0.

See also http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-16975
Please help voting on this! ↑
Rin@yuku : 2008-10-06 06:29:34 UTC+0000
Tadi coba2 gothere, lalu menemukan beberapa hal:
1. Sempat coba cari jalan dari suatu tempat ga terlalu jauh MRT Station ke Orchard MRT, maksudnya liat perkiraan waktunya, eh malah disuruh naik Bus sampai Marina Bay MRT baru ke Orchard MRT.... (padahal lebih cepet kalau ke MRT terdekat)
2. Mau coba cari tempat, tp karena gothere ada "from" dan "to", jd fromnya masukin MRT terdekat, eh tulisannya: "It's just a short walk away. Come on, don't be lazy, walking is a good form of exercise."
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-09 11:50:31 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1246
Gmail bikin melongo


Kalo fitur ini dinyalain, pas mau kirim imel akan disuruh jawab soal mat dulu,
siapa tau berubah pikiran ketika ngerjain soal itu.


Inilah saatnya. Gmail ingin membantu anda dengan segala cara. Yakin mau kirim ini?
Coba jawab soal mat mudah ini dulu.

69 - 38 =
11 x 2 =
37 + 19 =                          43 detik
2 x 5 =
48 - 38 =

                                                                                  [Kirim] [Batal]
Rin@yuku : 2008-10-10 12:07:26 UTC+0000
Waktu kubaca "Inilah saatnya", kukira mu lagi mau menunjukkan sesuatu, taunya cuma terjemahan kacau.... ^^;;;;
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-12 15:51:55 UTC+0000
[kenangan selagi ingat]

2006-6-*, Sapporo

di stasiun kereta, mau telp toko karaoke, mau tanya sesuatu sih, kalo ga salah
tanya apakah bisa ambil paket semalaman yang 1050円 lewat telepon umum,
tapi orang di sisi sana malah bilang suatu kata yang kami ga paham. Waktu itu
ku sama medo dan mungkin sama yuhong juga tapi belum tentu.

betapa hari yang penuh harapan, senang, bagai masuk dunia impian, namun sekarang
bagaikan kesenangan sesaat yang tak bisa terulang lagi selama ku masih menjalani
*hidup ini*.
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-12 15:55:30 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1249
hidup_ini = new Hidup()
to iu you na koto tokini kanjitemasu
Rin@yuku : 2008-10-13 03:03:42 UTC+0000
Maksudnya apa, ya?
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-18 16:52:21 UTC+0000
[Suatu tanda yang xyz]

Tadinya kukira kinilah akhir dari petualangan karena yang dicari sudah didapat.
Ternyata ini masih awal dari yang keliatannya sudah berakhir. Mungkin hal2 yang dulu
keliatan penting, yang telah menjadi keliatan ga penting karena hanya pemandangan,
pelan2 berubah menjadi penting lagi.

Mimpi itu. Mimpi yang indah walaupun bukan kenyataan. Walau tak akan tercapai pun harapan.
Memang kadang2 ku sadar bahwa itu tidak perlu. Tapi di saat yang sebenarnya menyakitkan,
impian akan lebih indah. Kenangan pun lebih indah. Bayangan pun lebih indah, dan imajinasi
akan berkembang, memasukkanku dalam kehangatan batin.

Ku ga tau akankah suatu saat kubaca tulisan ini lagi dan ku mengerti. Sepertinya ga akan
mengerti. Namun ini hanya sebuah ide. Ide yang ga tau kapan bisa terjadi. Hidupku penuh
dengan ide ketika ide itu muncul. Namun kadang susah mengungkapkannya. Dan dunia ini pun
berisi banyak penentang, orang2 yang tak bisa menerima keburukan, orang2 yang malu
menegurku, dan komputer, juga komputer yang sedang kupakai.

APa yang sedang kulihat. Kira2 ini adalah zat kimia yang berpendar karena dialiri arus listrik.
Namun pendaran ini telah membuatku sedih, bimbang, teriak, kaget, sendu, semu, dan lenyap.

Memang indah.
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-19 16:52:24 UTC+0000
function() {
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-19 17:20:02 UTC+0000
[refleksi diri]

Ku tak berhak kesal.
Kalau ku kesal berarti ku yang salah karena kurang cepat atau tak bisa mengampuni.
Bukan karena orang lain bersalah.
Semoga ku tak menyalahkan orang lain ketika sadar akan hal ini maupun tak sadar.

Mungkin ku akan pindah dunia lagi.
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-24 15:12:54 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1258
KAMEHAMEHA ternyata bukan ciptaan bola naga. Tapi nama raja pertama Hawaii.
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-25 04:15:29 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1263
Kenangan 1 tahun lalu. >>613 *Tikus suka padi*

Karena ku tau bahwa sudah tak mungkin
dari jauh kulihat saja
Semua orang suka kamu
aku mustahil tampaknya

Ketika semua jalan pulang bersama
aku jalan sendiri agak jauh
Tak mungkin ku menyatakan diriku
hanya akan diketawain, gitu saja

Ku cinta mu
tentu mimpi yang tak kan terkabulkan
seperti padi yang tak suka tikus

Ku rindu mu
namun ku suka mu
mulai sekarang sampai selamanya pun
sampai besok

Ku cinta mu
sebenarnya ku suka mu
seperti tikus yang sangat suka padi

Ku rindu mu
tapi, biarlah jangan kau sadari
ku ingin suka mu seperti ini saja
sampai kapan pun
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-25 04:23:19 UTC+0000
Jalan Membingungkan dan membuat ku tersesat

Liat gambar di bawah ini.

Ku jalan dari A, menuju kompleks perumahan yang ada di B untuk pertama kalinya.
Untuk masuk ke B, perlu ngebel dulu dan akhirnya masuk, ku beli susu 2 liter.
Ketika keluar, ku buka pintu gerbang itu, dan berhubung baru pertama kali ke sini,
ku ga tau bahwa depan pintu gerbang itu ada cabang (ke A dan ke C).
Karena jalan ke A agak nanjak dan kecil, ku ga liat A dan akhirnya masuk ke C.
Setelah jalan 5 menit barulah ku sadar itu salah jalan. Wew.
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-25 04:56:16 UTC+0000
Solar: 24h version changes overview (not detailed!)

*Version 0.0: both game and engine not complete*

"bikingem" is the name of the game engine, emulating Game Maker.

r1: First import, some structure for bikingem.
r4: Room done and can have some object moving on the room
r5: room0 (daytime) almost complete (now working yet)
r6, r7: redesign of room type, passing the class instead of instances
r8, r9: add more objects: mosquitos, house, bush, wall, etc
r12: room transition, title screen added, mouse events
r13: global mouse events, instruction screen added
r14: drawing functions (triangle for the sun ray), sound looping, collision point
r15: fix wrong sprites, implementation of visibility, drawing colors
r17: accessing instance by class is somewhat slow, implement caching
r18: implement DEPTH! finally.
r19: sound play/loop/stop implementation, now the game is not silent anymore
r22 (release 0.0.22): implement drawing rectangle and image_angle, so racket can be rotated :)
r23: draw health bar
r25: implement sprite_index, now the object can change sprites, like going from day to night
r26: view can be scrolled :D
r28: create and destroy instance on the fly (used mainly for nyamuk!)
r31: add forEach function. So in GM if you do this:
with (nyamuk) {
  if (makan == 1) {
    kenyang = 1;
in bikingem engine you can do this
nyamuk.forEach(function() {
  if (this.makan == 1) {
    this.kenyang = 1;
r32, r33, r34, r35: preparation for pixel perfect collision detection :D
r36: set/get full screen

*Version 0.7: game fully playable!! Just not complete in polish*
r37 (release 0.7.37): Collision detection finished, this game is fully playable!
r39, r40, r41, r42: reorganization of naming. Now everything (sprite, room, background, sound) will start in lowercase. Only objects start in Uppercase.
r43: framework for effects ^^. Flare effect implemented (for sun and petromax)
r46: make nyamuk bouncing (move_bounce_solid)
r49: font framework, now can draw text on screen

*Version 0.8: game complete!!!*
r52 (release 0.8.52): smoke effect added for nyamuk that has been hit

*Published at* http://www.kejut.com/solar24h
*Published at* http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/466230
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-25 05:29:47 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1259 >>2145
Lirik lagu Doraemon versi Inggris (English version of Doraemon song lyrics)

(Lirik indonya disebelahkan biar lebih tau timingnya.)

This is nice (aku ingin begini)
paradise. (aku ingin begitu)

This dream, (ingin ini)
that dream, (ingin itu)
wishes are all around. (banyak sekali)

Everything you (semua semua semua)
want to come true (dapat dikabulkan)

in the magic (dapat dikabulkan dengan)
pocket (kantong)
can be found. (ajaib)

Want to fly (aku ingin terbang bebas)
free, (di)
oh yeah, (angkasa)

Hi takekoputa- (hai, baling2 bambu)

Oh, oh, oh, (la la la)
we love you so, (aku sayang sekali)
doraemon. (doraemon)


Kau akan ngepos secara anonim! Boleh2 aja sih, bahkan tulis nama dan sembarang paswod pun boleh. Tapi kalo mau daftar, klik daftar

Nama Pwd gp jsp (satu nam)+(tuju nol)= +img +coret




























