HORE <s>SERIBU</s>DUARIBU || ide yuku dan bukan ide yuku

No 612-619 No 592-611 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 09:49:10 UTC+0000
diacu: >>613 >>677
Terusan >>611 Continuation

[Min2 Wife Event]

Min2 is talking with someone over the phone. I do not understand the
meaning since it is in different language.

When he finishes the talking, he says to the others! that his wife
asked his presence, where he is now. Then he says, his wife does not
believe him when he said that he is doing assignment with other students,
she want the proof by talking to someone else.

So the phone is given to me, but I do not hear anything comes from
the phone. I return it back, but not long time later, the phone rings again!
and this is the time his wife really there to speak.

So I take the phone. I say "halo Min2 is here doing assignment"
then I hear some reply but I still do not understand, actually the
voice is scary for me, so I think better not talk back. So I say
"do you want me to take photo of us?" then come some answer
but I still dont understand and it becomes more scary. I return
the phone and Min2 said OK with smile ^^

[Event Clear]
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 10:14:41 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1254
Terusan >>612 Continuation

[Mice Like Rice Event]

When Tinza do Tinza's assignment, Tinza play songs in Tinza's computer.
Then I hear some strange song, some english song, some slow song,
some unslow song.

But Suddently I hear some Familiar song.
Which is Mice Like Rice (tikus suka padi) song that I like :D
It is a song from taiwan or china i dont know lah.

I am surprised and wah wah wah to Tinza.
Then I ask Yin about this song if he knows this song.
He knows it and I play the Japanese version (ねずみは米が好き)
from youtube. I explain the meaning to him and he said the meaning
is some different with Chinese version.

Then I isengly find for that in Youtube and get English version!?
When play, the song has interesting phrase which is
"I will tell you something"
Why is that interesting? Because it (i think) is the same as
(#define Miko miku) Miko's favorite phrase.

When Miko come back from some place far away and near here,
Yin and I tell Miko about that phrase in the song
Then Miko protests because Miko's phrase is not that, but
"I want to tell you something".

[Event Clear]
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 15:04:43 UTC+0000

Tiba2 muncul ide aja.
Kalo grakan taqan pada tikus lb dikit untuk grakin kursor di layar, harusnya bisa lbi sehat dong?
Ku uda set laju kursor paliq cpat di windos, munkin ada cara lb cp lg? Coba ah tar di kamar..
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-18 05:20:41 UTC+0000
Leknot HCI, bab 4, sled 9, "Using World Knowledge"

*What we think of as natural laws are our attempts at describing*
*what we perceive as regularity in God-given nature.*

Keren yah ^^
derianto@yuku : 2007-11-18 05:46:42 UTC+0000
gawat nanti
- ga akurat (meskipun lama2 terlatih)
- kurang olahraga tangan?

kenapa gerakannya ga sehat?
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-19 03:56:22 UTC+0000
diacu: >>689
Australian ambassador to Indonesia Bill Farmer said in Surabaya on 16th November that in recent years the demand for studying bahasa Indonesia in Australian schools had continued to fall.

When Indonesia was ruled by Suharto learning Indonesian in both Australian elementary and high schools became somewhat popular but in the last 10 years languages such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Hindi had pushed Indonesian into the background.


Wah3 :| :(
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-19 09:37:38 UTC+0000
Pengumuman aneh pisan di NTU:

*IT Services Maintenance and Outages Announcement*
Singnet Network Maintenance

Date & Time: 17th Nov 2007 (Sat) 12am to 2am window period

Service(s) & area(s) affected:
Singnet will be performing network maintenance during the
above stated time. During the maintenance, internet traffic
will be routed to the main internet line, therefore internet
access to Local and International sites will not be affected.
We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Loh? maksud???
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-20 17:31:04 UTC+0000
diacu: >>622
Keajaiban pikiran ato kebetulan.

Seting: sekitar jam 030, jalan menuju hol 5 dari kantin b.
Ketemu vending machine, ingin membeli teh bunga seharga 80 sen.
Ku masukin duit 1 dolar, keluar minumannya, dan uang kembalian.
Sebelom ku merogoh kotak kembalian, ku iseng berpikir,
"wa keliatannya ada orang yang lupa ambil kembalian nih"
lalu ku masukkan tangan ke lubang, dan.. 2 keping logam teraih.
satu 20 sen, satu lagi 10 sen. nyo.

Sekitar 3 menit berlalu, dekat blok 30 uda hampir turun tangga
menuju kamar imam. tiba2 teringat "dulu ada OJ tinggal di hol 2,
eh sapa tau ada OJ juga di hol 5". Dan ku liat 2 orang di depanku,
hendak turun tangga juga, dan ku jadi di depan mereka, dan
terdengarlah bahasa jepang. nyo lagi.

waduh ko 2 kejadian pikiran bisa terjadi dalam waktu dekat yah. Kya.


Kau akan ngepos secara anonim! Boleh2 aja sih, bahkan tulis nama dan sembarang paswod pun boleh. Tapi kalo mau daftar, klik daftar

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