HORE <s>SERIBU</s>DUARIBU || ide yuku dan bukan ide yuku

No 1234-1240 No 1214-1233 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@yuku : 2008-09-21 17:24:40 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1237
Contrast 2008 [3] >>1228

Jam berlalu pada hari Sabtu ini. Kami melewati jam 2, 3, 4 dengan masih agak segar,
pada sekitar jam 5 wihu mau bobo, tapi beberapa menit kemudian balik menemui kami
katanya ga bisa tidur. Yuku jam 6 bobo juga, selama sekitar 1 jam, di kursi sofa
yang tersedia di dapur. Dapur sudah dimatikan lampunya dan sekitar 5 orang tidur di sana.
Tampaknya berubah fungsi.

Ketika yuku bangun, kulihat beberapa perubahan. Pemain udah ga bisa tembus tembok.
Yuku mencoba gambar rumah dengan asalan untuk bikin dunia malam.

Di game maker, ada yang namanya room. Tadinya kami bingung apakah mau bikin 2 room,
satu siang dan satu malam, atau 1 room. Keuntungan 2 room yaitu lebih gampang untuk pisahin
kode siang dan malam. Kerugiannya, ga bisa bikin efek transisi yang bagus.

Maka akhirnya ditentukan untuk tetep bikin 2 room, tapi di room0 ada transisi ke malam,
tapi diam2 dipindah ke room1 dengan membuat ulang suasana ruangan yang mirip,
sehingga pemain ga akan sadar bahwa levelnya udah berubah.

Room0 yang siang, kira2 begini bentuknya

Yang 640*480 itu yang keliatan dilayar. Ketika siang, pemain akan bergerak ke kiri
dan kanan dan perlu ambil sinar matahari yang muncul dari celah awan yang bergerak.
Tabung listrik itu akan bertambah seiring pengumpulan sinar. Langit akan menggelap pelan2
supaya seperti malam.

Saat 900 frame atau 30 detik sudah berlalu, pandangan akan bergeser ke kanan,
sehingga pemain tetap melihat tabung listrik itu, dan rumah pun akan terlihat.
Di saat inilah mode gem berubah, jadi kira2 seperti ini, (diam2 room yang aktif uda berubah
jadi room1):


Kalau diperhatikan, rumah sudah berubah jadi tenda, dan ada petromax yang dibikin pake
sedikit visual effect dari gamemaker. Tenda dan petromax itu ide jesi yang kreatif.
Jauh lebih bagus dari rumah biasa.

Nah di saat malam ini, nyamuk akan bermunculan dan menyerang pemain kalau tak segera
dibunuh. Kalau kena, tikus harus *dikocok* biar nyamuknya lepas lagi. Untuk nyalain
raket nyamuk, tahan tombol tikus dan gerakin kiri-kanan buat miringin raket.

Setelah semua nyamuk mati (12 di normal dan 40 di hard), pemain akan menang,
maka ada animasi celingak celinguk dan tidur tenang kalo menang, atau bisul2 kalo kalah.
Animasi yang indah dan imut itu buatan tias yang jago menggambar cepat.

Wihu akhirnya bobo 3 jam.

Jam sekitar 13. Makan siang dimunculkan, kelompok kami bisa dibilang sudah sangat
santai dibanding kelompok lain, karena emang gemnya sederhana. Cukup santai sampe
bisa keluar ngobrol2, makan pelan2, dan liat2 kelompok lain.

Namun 2 jam sebelom waktu habis jam 19, kami memutuskan tambah instruksi, jangan2
juri ga tau cara mainnya, maka dibuatlah instruksi. Selain itu juga tambah kredit biar nama
kami rada terkenal, heheh. Medo memilih lagu2 dan efek suara yang cocok untuk dimasukin
ke gem.

Akhirnya stopwatch besar di layar depan menjelang 0. Kami menghitung mundur dan
tepuk tangan. Selesailah lomba, tinggal presentasi.

Singkat cerita, kami belom dikasi makan malam, presentasi ngaret 1.5 jam, dan laptop
yang dipake buat demo super lambat, sehingga gem kami hanya bisa jalan sekitar 10 fps,
akibatnya gagal mendemokan saat malam, malah saat siang jadi terlalu lama. Kami kecewa
dengan panitia yang kurang persiapan (tim lain juga kebanyakan kecewa). Setelah kami
melihat presentasi tiap gem (hanya dikasi 3 menit), dikasi makan malam yang banyak
gorengan, pulanglah kami dan baru akan diumumin minggu depan hasilnya.
yuku@yuku : 2008-09-23 02:33:10 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1238
Contast 2008 [4] >>1234

Teaser video of the games can be viewed here!
yuku@yuku : 2008-09-23 11:14:42 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1239
Contrast 2008 [5] >>1237

Only then, at the Games Convention Asia 2008 at Suntec Convention Hall, the winners
of Contrast 2008 are announced. In the beginning it was decided that there will be
only 3 winner teams out of 24 participating teams.

- Best Overall
- Most Innovative
- Most Entertaining

However, at the last minute, the judges announced that there is one more winner,
he calls it Most Promising. So, in total there are 4 winner teams.

As I mentioned on >>1227, out of the 24 teams, 5 teams consist of (partly or entirely)
people that went to GAMBIT internship (http://gambit.mit.edu). My team was one of them.

During the winner announcement, the "Most" winners were announced first. The judge said
that the Best Overall team will be awarded with $800, sponsored by Ubisoft. I thought
there were no prizes at all, because they never mentioned it.

Half surprisingly, the winners are all from GAMBIT. They are:

- Most Promising: Human vs Nature

  A strategy game with "nature" on the left, "humans" on the right. Players can choose to build
  strength, defence, or attack the opponent. The party that can go to the other side win. No AI,
  just a 2 player game.

- Most Innovative: MotherFarmer

  Players need to farm by bringing clouds to the seed and the trees. But, to bring the cloud,
  they need to move the mouse slowly. After the cloud arrives at the target, to grow the seed,
  click the mouse button rapidly. It goes very well with the game theme Fast and Slow.

- Most Entertaining: Moopoot

  I didn't know before this contest that cows can expel methane gas when they fart. If I am not
  mistaken, the gas is dangerous to the ozone. So, in this game, the player acts as a person that
  brings a pump to collect the cows' gas before the cows become inflated and go to the sky and
  break the ozone layer. A thing that is good here is that the artwork looks funny and polished.

- *Best Overall: Solar: 24h*

  This came as a big surprise to me and my team! We didn't expect winning that high, especially
  that the previous 3 winners had been announced. I liked a game created by the other GAMBIT team,
  and I thought it would be the winner. (The game was about earthworms that you can choose
  whether to split them to produce more but harder to control, or leave them as is.)

Because there was no leader, medo and I as the ones sat on the side, went towards the stage,
but I took medo's photo instead. The judge had more or less commented that the game was
made until it is perfectly complete and polished. He liked the ideas of using solar energy to kill
mosquitoes, especially when Dengue is being talked about. He also liked the ending animation
where the protagonist sleeps in peace after eliminating all the mosquitoes.

Here, for the second time (the first time was when the competition ended), I felt what I learned
at GAMBIT proved very useful in developing games. We didn't plan to create a complicated game
that was impossible to finish perfectly in 24 hours, instead we planned to limit the game to be
simple, straightforward, while preventing addition of unneeded "bonus" or "patch" features.
We had a relaxed time during the 24 hours, we had time to chat relaxedly both inside and outside
the computer lab.

Of course, the entire thing that happened here was impossible without Lord Jesus, who has in
His discretion made us come out with the idea and planning ^^

Want to try our game? Download here (Solar24h-1.0.exe) http://www.kejut.com/download/384
Rin@yuku : 2008-09-24 06:35:18 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1240
"addition of unneeded "bonus" or "patch" features" = feature creep?

Meaning that you're an advocate of KISS, right?

(KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid!)
Rin@yuku : 2008-09-24 12:26:19 UTC+0000
Wah aku salah tulis, harusnya karena yang dikutip sudah pakai tanda ["] maka yang luarnya pakai tanda [']....
Itu yang bener feature creep atau scope creep, ya? Di wikipedia ada artikel "scope creep" dan di sana "feature creep" disebut juga sebagai nama lainnya, tapi ada artikel terpisah bernama "feature creep".




























