HORE <s>SERIBU</s>DUARIBU || ide yuku dan bukan ide yuku

No 1163-1170 No 1143-1162 Semua (balik urutan) |

derianto@yuku : 2008-06-17 03:37:10 UTC+0000
setelah beberapa lama di amrik, bagaimana kesan terhadap harga2?
adakah kesan2 menarik lainnya?
yuku@yuku : 2008-06-17 22:43:45 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1165
>>1150 [Jurnal gambit] [Hari 9] 2008-6-16

Hari pertama kerja. Baru berangkat jam 845 padahal harus sampe jam 9 jadi ku lari
tapi di tengah jalan ketemu ds maka ku jadi jalan.

Rapat pertama dipimpin jos (product owner), ditanya apa yang uda dilakukan, hari ini
ngapain, dan apa yang ngeblok.
yuku@yuku : 2008-06-20 02:15:29 UTC+0000
>>1150 [Jurnal gambit] [Hari 9] 2008-6-16

>>1164's continuation

Setelah liat2 flex, makan siang, ga liat2 flex lagi tapi mulai cari ide.
Segala macam ide muncul, tiap orang keluarin ide2nya sendiri, tapi yang kusuka adalah
ide demikian (nik dan yuku):

Pemain kontrol 3 karakter (ato kurang di awal2), masing2 punya cacat, misalnya
buta, tuli, botak, lemah, dsb. Pemerintah diskriminasi orang cacat jadi kalo polisi nemu
orang cacat akan dihukum. Nah tim ini mau berjuang mencapai raja palsu yang sedang
berkuasa tanpa ditangkap polisi. Caranya dengan saling membantu, salah satu karakter
juga nantinya raja asli. Pemain bisa ganti karakter kapan aja tapi 1 karakter doang sekali
main. Seperti rpg.

Tapi muncullah jos dan mat, yaitu product owner, dan mereka bikin makin pusing karena
bilang ini boleh itu boleh tapi harusnya begini (ga jelas) atau begitu (ga jelas juga).

Di akhir jam kerja, ide benar2 kacau, ds juga maunya dengar ide dari semua orang
tapi tak bilang mana yang bisa dan mana yang nga, akhirnya hanya berisi kritik2 dan
saran2 tanpa ada tujuan.

Ku sendirian beli sandwich di foodcourt.

Lalu setim disuruh nonton film "Pink floyd the wall" sambil pesan sandwich.
yuku@yuku : 2008-06-21 18:27:44 UTC+0000
Desek2an kereta di jepang.


Petugas sampe ikut2an teken2.

Ternyata di singa dan us jauh lebih lega.
yuku@yuku : 2008-06-21 19:48:54 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1168
>>1150 [Jurnal gambit] [Hari 13] 2008-6-20

Today the work day is only until lunch. So we try to combine for the game prototype
the stage play which is done by me and the police eye sight detection code and the
cone drawing done by lok. Near the lunch time we managed it but got some problems
in committing to perforce.

Lunch: go to "au bon pain", they sell pasta too. there are 6 kinds of pasta we can just
take, it will be weighted, 49c per oz. I try all and when i pay it i need to pay 6.5$. weleh
so expensive, but i get to try all pasta, hore.

After lunch there is programmer's specialist meating. Other roles are also meating.
But for the progers, nothing to talk about except a bit sharing from each team what
they are doing. So we leave early, only about 40 mins for the supposedly 2 hours meeting.

Go back and i find some people play play. I say to lilo dont play so much but
make more character art work.

cj complained to me that ds is giving too many unrelevant ideas to the
game design. I talk to ds but to me ds seems like she cannot accept other's feedback
and only consider self is the rightful one.

After that we go to Google's eating room which is colored with red green blue
like Google's ball theme. But unfortunately not for eating but to hear lecture.
But the lecture is from Warren Specter! The slides are thoughtful. I sit at the frontest
but fall asleep during the boring QA session.

I ask medo and wihu if they go somewhere. no. So i tell them i may be going to boston
city hall for bbq party.

In the end yuku cj ds jc medo wihu lilo go to the bbq place

On the way suddenly big rain. I yell "tea ter" for "theater" to ask them run to the
nearby theater to get shelter but i pronounced wrongly nobody understand.

After reaching bbq place, we find so messy, looks expensive to buy meat there and
still need to pay 5$ for entrance. After tough discussion and sungkan and so on, we
dont go there and head to chinatown.

Voting again, vietnamese or malaysian food. Malaysian win 3-2.

The malaysian restaurant waiter is very impatient and rude. We eat there, medo eat
so much rice because he order wrongly (a 5$ big bowl of rice), ds only eat ice cream
(for 4.5$). After finishing, we decide to give less tip only. Total meal cost about 58$,
we give tips only about 3$.

On the exit door of the restaurant we are called.

"Is there any problem with our service?"

I deliberately and happily say "the waiter was impatient" "ask us to choose
the menu quickly" etc with broken english, so jc speak in in chinese. Good
and i am very happy experiencing what happen if we dont give enough tip.
derianto@yuku : 2008-06-22 23:22:00 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1169
iya mestinya tips 15% ^^''
58$ -> 8.7$+
makanan Malaysia tuh apa ya contohnya
yuku@yuku : 2008-06-24 13:36:39 UTC+0000
Kayanya ga gitu malaysia juga sih, mirip chinese. Ga ada nasi lemak (yang harusnya
makanan khas malaysia), malah semuanya hampir sama dengan restoran chinese.

Eh, katanya waiter dapat gajinya dari tips, alias gaji bulanannya sangat kecil kah?
Yang terima tip siapa sih, yang bawain menu ato yang bawain makanan? Karena beda.
yuku@yuku : 2008-06-24 14:04:08 UTC+0000
>>1150 [Jurnal gambit] [Hari 14] 2008-6-20

Seperti biasa sabtu agak bingung mau ngapain. cj ajak siang2 ke boston, tapi matahari
hari ini (tak seperti biasanya) terik sekali, ku ga mau. Jadi akhirnya sore2 baru ke boston
sama lilo cj dan 1 orang yang tiba2 mau nimbrung bernama jes.

Mau cari pizza buat makan yang uda ditemukan tempatnya di gugu maps, tapi ga diprin
jadi lupa di mana. Ketemu 1 tempat tapi penuh. Pas mo cari California pizza kitchen,
muter2 antara Bolyston street dan Newbury street, ga nemu2 setelah jalan setengah jaman,
tiba2 ku ingat punya peta di hp (Nokia maps ^^) dan pake Keyword search akhirnya ketemu.

Namun setelah jalan balik (kelewat jauh), tempatnya ga ketemu. Di sana ada bangunan
kayu yang belom jadi, kayanya sih itu. Uda punah. Weleh.

Maka ke Prudential center. lilo bilang gurunya bilang ada yang sangat enak di Boston chowda
bernama New england clam chowder. Tapi ga kenyang kalo makan sup doang, jadi pesan
pizza Four cheese tipis pisan dulu baru makan sup yang ditempatkan di mangkok roti.
Enak tapi ga spesial amat ah, lilo aja yang sangat suka.

Udahnya cj berencana ke Niketown tapi pas sampe sana uda tutup. cj kecewa berat.

Ke Borders liat2 dan ke Boston comics (gadapapa).


Kau akan ngepos secara anonim! Boleh2 aja sih, bahkan tulis nama dan sembarang paswod pun boleh. Tapi kalo mau daftar, klik daftar

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