HORE <s>SERIBU</s>DUARIBU || ide yuku dan bukan ide yuku

No 605-612 No 585-604 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 08:44:36 UTC+0000
diacu: >>610
Ya deh, kutanggapi. (Masa sehari sampe buka 19 kali?
pengen ngecek uda ada jawaban ga?
Ayo kerja.. jangan buka meletus terus di kantor.)

Iya, dulu banyak pujian manis, soalnya dulu emang mu hebat,
pinter, jago banyak bahasa. Lalu setelah tau yang jelek2nya,
ku ga banyak pujian manis lagi. Lalu kenapa, merasa kurang dipuji kah?
Ya uda lah masi banyak anak2 yang kagum dengan mu, cari lah pujian
di sana.

Daripada pake nama xyz yang bikin bbrp orang mengira xyz yang mana..
lebih baik daftar melet.us aja, seru loh, apalagi mu keliatannya bisa
pake fasilitas bold, link, dsb dengan cukup bener dan banyak :D
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 08:50:41 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1213

Wah, ada yang ngasi tau bahwa gugel bikin kontes sugoi!
Yaitu *Android* Walah apa pula android ini?
Android mau dibikin jadi saingannya Symbian / S60, yaitu
framework termasuk OS buat henpon.
OSnya linux, Databes pake sqlite, dan uda ada GUInya.
Emulatornya pun dikasih.

Donlot SDK (termasuk emulator buat liat2)

Nah ada yang sugoi:
Kontes bikin program di Android
berhadiah 10 juta dolar :D
50 pemenang di penyisihan dapet 25 ribu dolar :D
initehsusu@yuku : 2007-11-16 09:16:23 UTC+0000
diacu: >>608
>>601 rasanya saya ga tulis saran apapun.. -_-

>>604 eh eh uda donk.... kalo marah terus, berarti kamu ikut kepancing si pelaku,
pelaku sendiri sudah mengaku salah, kenapa ga bisa dimaafkan?

"sebaiknya waktu itu dipakai untuk hal2 lain yang lebih konstruktif daripada saling mencela"
aku setuju sama ini, hidup cuma sekali, gunakan sebaik baiknya...

......dan ini csc301 programming languages koq susah banget yah.... T_T
asa(AXioer9k8uwm)@yuku : 2007-11-16 09:21:12 UTC+0000
ok d ku brenti. mari pindahkan diskusi CSC30* ke tempat >>[initehsusu] ajah ^^
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 09:26:41 UTC+0000
Ayo2 pindah. Mari kita isi melet.us dengan hal2 dan info2 berguna.
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 09:27:30 UTC+0000
Wah ternyata pos ini provokatif katanya.
Tampaknya begitu, nanti pelaku makin pengen datang ke melet.us.
OK deh mari kita akhiri di sini...

Baru mandi, dan belom pake baju.
Pake baju dulu ah!
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 09:43:06 UTC+0000
diacu: >>612
Terusan >>563 Continuation

We come back to the computer room, with *Tinza*,
she suddenly asks me what can i do now? But since I don't have
any idea, I wonder for a while, then I know something:
the front page of the website has "About us" section, but no one has
written the text.

However, when I say that to Tinza, Tinza says Tinza is doing
another assignment which is IA and Seminar, so I give up and
then ask Yin to do that.

Database problem: we almost have no sample data for the database,
so when Min2 which sits behind me does not do anything, I ask him to
do it. He does it happily as always.
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 09:49:10 UTC+0000
diacu: >>613 >>677
Terusan >>611 Continuation

[Min2 Wife Event]

Min2 is talking with someone over the phone. I do not understand the
meaning since it is in different language.

When he finishes the talking, he says to the others! that his wife
asked his presence, where he is now. Then he says, his wife does not
believe him when he said that he is doing assignment with other students,
she want the proof by talking to someone else.

So the phone is given to me, but I do not hear anything comes from
the phone. I return it back, but not long time later, the phone rings again!
and this is the time his wife really there to speak.

So I take the phone. I say "halo Min2 is here doing assignment"
then I hear some reply but I still do not understand, actually the
voice is scary for me, so I think better not talk back. So I say
"do you want me to take photo of us?" then come some answer
but I still dont understand and it becomes more scary. I return
the phone and Min2 said OK with smile ^^

[Event Clear]


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