HORE <s>SERIBU</s>DUARIBU || ide yuku dan bukan ide yuku

No 1769-1776 No 1749-1768 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@yuku : 2010-01-28 08:04:57 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1770 >>1774
It's so easy for people (including me) to say out what they did well and what good deeds or kindness they made, but is very seldom or closed to see people writing on their blogs, I did this nastyness, I did this explicit sin.
siapasiapa(Vu0IYg1hWk7F)@yuku : 2010-01-29 09:25:03 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1771
And you think it's wrong?
yuku@yuku : 2010-01-29 18:13:33 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1772
I don't think I'm good enough to say wrong or right.
whowho(4vCdYrzGfFlY)@yuku : 2010-01-29 19:07:49 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1773
I'm sure we are all able to tell good from bad and wrong from right, I don't think it's a matter of whether you are good enough,
but more on the source of your standard.
yuku@yuku : 2010-01-30 17:02:05 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1774
Now it's too many hidden intention around us, one can say "Yes i'm doing that to
let other people follow me" and at the same time it's possible to say "I'm doing that
to let people know that I'm good not like you"

Same as when someone says "Wow, you are amazing", a friend can think that he is
praising, but another person says "He is envious"
sapasapa(sJHpiFH2DLlU)@yuku : 2010-01-30 18:35:42 UTC+0000
don't you love that thing called perception ;) .

So, what was your intention when you were writing >>1769 ?
yuku@yuku : 2010-02-01 07:17:42 UTC+0000
tadi lagi mikir ide game.  tapi setelah itu jadi mikir tentang bagaimana cara mendapat ide. 
lalu setelah itu sadar bahwa cara mendapat ide adalah dengan cara tidak berusaha
mendapat ide.

dikutip dengan izin dari >>derianto
yuku@yuku : 2010-02-01 09:55:30 UTC+0000
Bai bai JAVA



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