One of the biggest changes you will notice with GWT 2.0 is development mode, which

No 1745 No 1725-1744 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@yuku : 2009-12-09 06:06:24 UTC+0000
One of the biggest changes you will notice with GWT 2.0 is development mode, which
replaces what used to be called "hosted mode". Prior to 2.0, "hosted mode" provided
a special-purpose "hosted browser" to debug your GWT code. As of GWT 2.0, the web
application being debugged is viewed within a regular browser with the support of the
Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin, which is available for most popular browsers.
*In other words, you can now develop and debug code as it runs in Safari, Firefox,*
*Internet Explorer, and Chrome.*

Selamat tinggal Opera. Kesalahan (ga sepenuhnya salah sih) dari bertaun2 lalu dengan
menutup kode dan ekstensibilitas browser.


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