> The regions of the brain that become active during mind wandering belong to two important

No 1390 No 1370-1389 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@yuku : 2009-06-26 03:56:33 UTC+0000
> The regions of the brain that become active during mind wandering belong to two important
> networks. One is known as the executive control system. Located mainly in the front of the
> brain, these regions exert a top-down influence on our conscious and unconscious thought,
> directing the brain's activity toward important goals.

> Of all the ways to let your mind wander, zoning out is considered to be
> "the most fruitful type." It was also found that sad thoughts allow for more wandering
> than happy ones. In either case, wandering may help the mind search and find solutions
> more effectively than constantly trying to keep it in focus.

Aku jadi teringat akan ini (atau yang lain, tapi ga ketemu alamatnya):

[Pengkhotbah 7:2-4]
Pergi ke rumah duka lebih baik dari pada pergi ke rumah pesta, karena di rumah
dukalah kesudahan setiap manusia; hendaknya orang yang hidup memperhatikannya.
Bersedih lebih baik dari pada tertawa, karena muka muram membuat hati lega.
Orang berhikmat senang berada di rumah duka, tetapi orang bodoh senang berada
di rumah tempat bersukaria.


Kau akan ngepos secara anonim! Boleh2 aja sih, bahkan tulis nama dan sembarang paswod pun boleh. Tapi kalo mau daftar, klik daftar

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