Dari http://gambit.mit.edu/updates/2008/08/gambit_open_house_friday_june.php

No 1192 No 1172-1191 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@yuku : 2008-08-08 06:47:25 UTC+0000
Dari http://gambit.mit.edu/updates/2008/08/gambit_open_house_friday_june.php
yang dilink dari halaman utama situs MIT (kemarin) http://web.mit.edu/

GAMBIT Open House, Friday August 8th 10am-noon

Come to our last Open House this summer!

With eight weeks of development behind them, our summer development teams are finally finished. We have seven very different games to play, and we want to show them all off. Come and play one - or all - this Friday! As usual, there will be munchies and drinks.

One of our games this year is targeted at children aged 12-14; we could especially use players in that age range!
When: August 8th,10 AM to 12:00 PM.
Where: Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab
5 Cambridge Center, 3rd Floor
(aka MIT NE25, 3rd Floor)

Please sign up as visitors in the lobby when you arrive. Also, please RSVP to gambit-qa AT mit DOT edu, so that we will know how many people are coming - we wouldn't want the munchies to run out!


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