anak kelas 5 SD (skrg kls 6) bikin web startup:

No 23 No 3-22 Semua (balik urutan) |

tania@tania : 2007-09-23 13:52:37 UTC+0000
anak kelas 5 SD (skrg kls 6) bikin web startup:

PlaySpan is founded by Arjun Mehta, a 5th grader, passionate about gaming and software programming that can make game playing experience exciting and more importantly rewarding!

PlaySpan started in Arjun’s garage in Silicon Valley in 2006 and was incorporated with Arjun’s earnings from selling online game items won from quests he fought while attending 5th grade at Challenger School in San Jose.
May 2006: Incorporated
August 2007: Signed-up seven MMOG publishers with a combined user base of over 10 Million Gamers
September 2007: Released Alpha Version of Platform


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