hore udah punya blazer dan celana formal... rese juga nih SMU ada course finishing touch.. i feel that it's not the time yet to wear those fancy suits and pants...

No 68 No 48-67 Semua (balik urutan) |

sylv@sylv : 2007-09-15 12:05:52 UTC+0000
hore udah punya blazer dan celana formal... rese juga nih SMU ada course finishing touch.. i feel that it's not the time yet to wear those fancy suits and pants...

tapi yah, it's quite fun.


Kau akan ngepos secara anonim! Boleh2 aja sih, bahkan tulis nama dan sembarang paswod pun boleh. Tapi kalo mau daftar, klik daftar

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