dun 4get to visit http://www.mygreyworld.com :D

No 52-71 No 32-51 Semua (balik urutan) |

derianto@sylv : 2007-09-10 09:20:25 UTC+0000
wah hebat banget ga pernah :P
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-10 12:02:26 UTC+0000
diacu: >>54
tidakkkk sakit lagiiiiiii =(
yuku@sylv : 2007-09-10 18:23:14 UTC+0000
diacu: >>[yuku/224]
sakit apa? ku sakit batuk setelah pilek.
tapi mending batuk daripada pilek.
k waktu pilek suka jadi pusing.
batuk gpp.
kcuali kalo ud batuk y bikin ga bisa tidur, itu baru parah pisan.
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-11 06:20:00 UTC+0000
note to self :

never, ever take 5.5 course in one term.

apalagi klo ada course accounting yang mana saya ga ada dasar sama sekali.

dengan buku tebal yang lebih berat daripada macbook saya (beneran lho)
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-11 06:23:59 UTC+0000
diacu: >>60
wah gile bambu jemuran baju patah.

mo jemur baju di mana nih??

beginilah klo 1 rumah ada 8 orang yang tinggal...
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-11 08:57:02 UTC+0000
sebenernya gw ga suka accounting. simply because gw ga pernah belajar, jadi ga bisa =P

tapi gw ngerasa penting belajar accounting soalnya...

1.Gw mau buka bisnis sendiri (eventually)
2. It's a good thing to keep track of our accounts, and make it easier for other people to see it
3. Berguna bwt ngeliat whether our business is in healthy state (referring to number 1)
4. It's a plus thing for my future employer to see ;)

So all in all... Tetep perlu belajar accounting.
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-11 10:35:49 UTC+0000
diacu: >>59
accounting bikin pusinggggggggg
tania@sylv : 2007-09-11 11:45:41 UTC+0000
setuju bangetttt.. untung ku udah ga usah blajar itu lagi hehe :D
(tp mgkn klo suatu saat ngerasa perlu akhirnya belajar juga sih)
yuku@sylv : 2007-09-11 17:53:15 UTC+0000
diacu: >>61
kasian amat.. bajunya jatuh ke bawah semua dong?
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-12 05:58:11 UTC+0000

iya =( untung bajuku ngga banyak yang lagi dijemur
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-13 08:52:08 UTC+0000
java.. er diagram.. codebeamer...

duh. are these the things i wanted to learn?
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-14 11:59:01 UTC+0000
hore dapet gaji pertama!
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-14 16:38:50 UTC+0000
diacu: >>65 >>67 >>87
aduh sleeping problem nih.

baru tau aku punya sleeping problem. dan sebenernya sleeping problem dah dari kecil dulu.

ga pernah deh namanya tiduran di ranjang terus langsung tidur.

pasti merem melek dulu, guling sana guling sini, kedip2 geje, berkhayal geje, baru deh bisa tidur.

udah gede baru tau ternyata harusnya tidur itu yang langsung "blek" tidur gituh.

terus gimana nyembuhinnya doooong... udah parah banget nih..

kayaknya sih aku punya DSPS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_sleep_phase_syndrome

jadinya ga pernah bisa tidur pagian. bisanya tidur di atas jam 2. terus klo bangun pagi ngantuknya minta ampun ga ketulungan dah dah dah.

kacau dah pokoknya.

bersyukurlah kalian semua yang bisa tidur dengan nyenyak aman sentosa serta teratur dan sehat.

Ada orang yang ngga bisa tidur, kayak saya... =( bikin frustrasi.
Rin@sylv : 2007-09-14 18:06:19 UTC+0000
Iya, saya juga begitu, ko. Makanya ini masih bangun jam segini, bisanya tidur "pagian". (Jam 3 itu lebih "pagi" dari jam 2)....
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-15 04:56:18 UTC+0000
ah meeting menyebalkan~
yuku@sylv : 2007-09-15 06:59:31 UTC+0000
walah, makasi banyak atas info wikinya!
Terutama "They feel most alert and say they function best and are most creative in the evening and at night."
kayanya sangat tepat untuk ku. Pagi2 sampe siang sangat susah ngerjain apa2 yang butuh mikir.
Malem baru pikirannya giat dan kalo lagi menarik makin ga pengen bobo aja.
Jadi pada dasarnya ku paling nyaman bobo jam 3an dan bangun jam 10an.
Namun begitu ini di singapur jadi sebetulnya kira2 jam sebenarnya (berdasar matahari) itu jam 145 dan 845 an.
Jadi mungkin ga separah DSPS. Tapi ko kutipan di atas tetep sangat bener yah..
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-15 12:05:52 UTC+0000
hore udah punya blazer dan celana formal... rese juga nih SMU ada course finishing touch.. i feel that it's not the time yet to wear those fancy suits and pants...

tapi yah, it's quite fun.
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-15 17:28:40 UTC+0000
duh sepi sekali sih hari ini.. kosong banget rasanya =(
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-16 16:18:47 UTC+0000
hehehehehe akhirnya ketemu juga caranya download lagu2 pake mac. :P
sylv@sylv : 2007-09-16 16:36:00 UTC+0000
terjemahannya ini>>



やけに広くて 嫌みったらないわ

ぬるいし 味気ない
雑踏よ さびしさ掻き消して
夢見たいに 夢だったら



夢見たいに 夢だったら

夢見たいに 夢だったら

pake altavista jadiiiii....>>

What kind of sweet love song showing the smiling face which does not serve to your sign This you see and dies, as for the town also today becoming enlivened, however the る being yourself knowing well, something attractive る intention Today why I am the one person in those where it is the day off, it is in the eye (noisily) it can harbor ろ neon and the advertisement car which are simply noisily in the ear and even the seat of the large Edo line also the bench of the park is wide extremely and わ you who is not the offensive っ cod just are not on side being cold, is helpless It paints favorite also the chocolate, doing to be, dull bustle to rust doing extinguishing what kind of sweet love song to your sign the smiling face which does not serve showing when dream you want it is dream, you awaken and the ちゃ receiving ど even then are good The distant promise as for the kiss which that place which the telephone and the mail connects the distance of heart exceeds and does once upon a time there is no exit Tight, doing, you were borne, warm as for the り the memory which whirls the proof space of existence わ you who is not the cod which the け む っ wants just is not on side to make nothingness, it may be crushed From the opening of the building just disdains with small empty one non expression the what kind of delightful happening being able to tell the voice which does not serve to your sign, when dream you want it is dream, you awaken, even with ちゃ receiving ど dream from calling The tune bosom oak which you like it is and melody now it is the mouth careless somewhere and from the opening of the building of the る just disdains with small empty one non expression the what kind of delightful happening being able to tell the voice which does not serve to your sign, when dream you want it is dream, you awaken and the ちゃ receiving ど even then are good

wahahhahhaa. ga heran orang jepang inggrisnya jelek2. :P


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