kadang gw ngerasa, di SMU sini gw dipaksa bwt jadi dewasa. Dituntut untuk banyak tau dan kritis. Dianggap udah mengenal diri sendiri dan harus fokus ke tujuan hidup. Diharuskan jadi proaktif dan mengatur diri sendiri.

No 37 No 17-36 Semua (balik urutan) |

sylv@sylv : 2007-09-06 17:43:29 UTC+0000
kadang gw ngerasa, di SMU sini gw dipaksa bwt jadi dewasa. Dituntut untuk banyak tau dan kritis. Dianggap udah mengenal diri sendiri dan harus fokus ke tujuan hidup. Diharuskan jadi proaktif dan mengatur diri sendiri.

Kadang gw ngerasa, it's too much for an 18-year-old...

I miss those times when I don't need to worry about anything. Makan disediakan, sekolah tinggal pergi (dan *ga pernah* serius di sekolah. sampe sekarang. entah kenapa). Apa2 tinggal minta. Ga usah khawatir akan masa depan. Ga usah khawatir akan masa sekarang. Semuanya udah ada. Nikmati aja.

How I wish I could still think childishly and naively. Not with critical analysis based on broad knowledge. Not with those flowery words you can find on micro$oft word thesaurus.

How I wish I could still act silly and childish "legally". Without the frownings from other people. Without the weird stares. Without the bad words they may say behind your back.

Orang lebih cepet masuk universitas = hebat? (Gw masuk univ wkt gw 17 taon. Bandingin ama orang Singapur yang rata2 umur 19 bwt cw dan 21 bwt co)

I don't think so.

Gw ga pernah akselerasi. Gw ga pernah loncat kelas. Thank you very much for the flattering compliments but I don't feel superior at all. I just started my education 1 year faster, starting from kindergarten years. That makes me the same with you. I experienced the same amount of years. I experienced the same era.

Be grateful that you're not forced to be "mature" so fast.


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