lagi iseng browsing2 manga release, ketemu ini:

No 54 No 34-53 Semua (balik urutan) |

kaito@kaito : 2008-01-01 23:31:12 UTC+0000
diacu: >>55
lagi iseng browsing2 manga release, ketemu ini:
Nama Manga: Compiler
Deskripsi (kalo males buka linknya):
COMPILER is a story about the Igarashi brothers Nachi and Toshi, and two beauties from another dimension, Compiler and Assembler. Originally sent to conquer Earth through a game of destruction and creation, Compiler and Assembler ended up deciding that living in our world is more fun than conquering it. They moved in with Nachi and Toshi. A growing relationship began to develop between Nachi and Compiler, and Toshi and Assembler, though none of them can bring themselves to admit it outright.
Meanwhile, the people who sent Compiler and Assembler to conquer Earth were outraged by their apparent betrayal. They sent two assassins, Bios and Directory, to deal with the renegades and proceed with the invasion plan. And so, the misadventures begin...

compiler, assembler, bios and directory?? Pemilihan nama yang aneh.. apakah mangaka-nya programmer? :D


Kau akan ngepos secara anonim! Boleh2 aja sih, bahkan tulis nama dan sembarang paswod pun boleh. Tapi kalo mau daftar, klik daftar

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