oc oh oc...

No 24 No 4-23 Semua (balik urutan) |

initehsusu@initehsusu : 2007-10-12 16:42:43 UTC+0000
diacu: >>25 >>26 >>27 >>64
oc oh oc...
sungguh mengherankan..

Ini sekedar menuangkan kebingungan saya terhadap satu oc fresi ini nih..
yahhh semoga oc yg bersangkutan ga baca yah =P
Berikut hanyalah rangkaian kejadian yg terjadi semester ini..

Semua ini tulisan yang terekam di komputer gw... balasan ku ke dia ngga ku masukin di sini.
ini murni tulisan dia yang masuk ke msn, email, dan handphone ku:

5 September 2007
Dear Maincomm:
I'd like to know what if I dont know how to design a T-shirt. What should I do?
Oh, my god!~~! I cannot imagine what will be the next task~!!!

6 September 2007
^_^ Ok ok...!
Thank thank thank ... you~!!!

27 September 2007
i forgot what you look like...

28 September 2007
haha, you are so kind
i believe in you
dont let me down
i like mature guys

30 September 2007
you are so cute, i like you
i also enjoyed the time with you
hope can meet you soon, hehe...
just skip that lecture...
i dont want to lose you

10 October 2007
get angry about me today?...
because of me?
answer me please

12 October 2007
why didn't you call me?
are you still angry with me?
i'm sorry that makes you unhappy...
it's my fault. Just hope you can accept my apologise..
want to tell you things may not the same as you think

13 October 2007
thank you.
but actually, it is because of you.
i was thinking about how to make up for you.
now it's ok since you forgave me already.

dan itulah..... pasti pada ga ngerti kan?
sebenernya ini gp deh, tp mungkin ada yg ngerti...


Kau akan ngepos secara anonim! Boleh2 aja sih, bahkan tulis nama dan sembarang paswod pun boleh. Tapi kalo mau daftar, klik daftar

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