susu meletus

No 2-9 Semua (balik urutan) |

initehkopi(SJ0WoViJWzj8)@initehsusu : 2007-09-08 15:16:37 UTC+0000
ini teh teh!
ini mah teh!
teh mah ini!
teh teh ini!
initehsusu@initehsusu : 2007-09-10 19:39:42 UTC+0000
diacu: >>5
gajelas pisan...
update dari initehsusu: horee protokol jendela copot akhirnya beres jugaa..
minum teh, susu, madu, dan Ch3-Ch2-OH
asa@initehsusu : 2007-09-11 00:16:41 UTC+0000
wah mintanya bergeser ko dikasi copot. gagal dong :P
derianto@initehsusu : 2007-09-11 04:26:00 UTC+0000
wah Ch3-Ch2-OH bahaya tuh hahaha... gpp sih
yuku@initehsusu : 2007-09-14 04:32:36 UTC+0000
ieu teh saha nya? teu kapanggih..
initehsusu@initehsusu : 2007-10-05 23:59:07 UTC+0000
diacu: >>8
Yo, akhirnya masuk exxon... tp emang boleh yah copy email kyk gini? confidential lhoo..
Dear students,

This is to confirm that your internship program with ExxonMobil will
officially start from 7 January to 7 June, 2008.

First Day Reporting (9.00 am on 7 January 2008) :
Please report at 9.00 am to 6th floor Harbourfront Tower 1 to attend an
orientation. We will explain some of the administration guidelines as well
as company policies and guideline follow by Plant Tour.  For security
checks, please bring along IC/Student Pass (proper identification is
important to allow entry to company premises).

Monthly Allowance :
The monthly allowance is at S$1200/-, CPF-exempted. Details on other
allowances will be explained during orientation.

Dress Code :
Smart casual attire applicable for all work locations (no collarless shirt
and casual sandals). Please check with your sponsor or supervisor.

Hope the above is useful information and let me know if you need any
further clarification.  Many thanks.

Patricia Loh
ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

The information contained in this electronic message may be privileged and
confidential, and is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(ies)
named above.  If you are not the intended recipient, you are placed on
notice that any unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of
the contents of this electronic message is prohibited.
asa@initehsusu : 2007-10-06 00:01:16 UTC+0000
wah byk aturan, otodes gpp pake ga berkerah :D
gpp la kopas kan mu penerima yg benar
annakarolina@initehsusu : 2007-10-06 04:39:06 UTC+0000
wah congratz


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