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imambenjol@imambenjol : 2007-08-30 09:28:59 UTC+0000
Gawad prof comm banyak tugasnya..

Introduce yourself in no more than 150 words. So long as you are not vulgar or offensive, you are free to say anything about yourself in your self-disclosure. However, if you are undecided about what to write, here is a list of questions to help you:
a. What's your name?
b. What's your personality like?
c. Why did you choose to study this course?
d. What are your likes and/or dislikes?
e. What do you resolve to do by the year-end?

waktu mau bikin malah keingetan sama self intronya sasuke :
my name is uchiha sasuke. there are tons of things i dislike but i don't really like anything. and.. i don't want to use the word 'dream'. but i have an ambition, the resurection of my clan and to kill a certain man.

untungnya ku ga nulis seperti itu
imambenjol@imambenjol : 2007-08-30 09:33:47 UTC+0000
diacu: >>6 >>9
akhirnya, setelah ngepas2 kata biar pas 150 words :

Hi, my name is *imambenjol*. I am a Chinese-Indonesian, who neither have Chinese name nor speak Chinese, and whose heart is Indonesian, truly.

I took major in Computer Science because I want to know more about software engineering and IT related stuffs so that I can develop something useful for the society and promote Open Source philosophy to whole world. My objective in life is not to find as much money as people usually after for. Happiness is not all about money, fame, and success. It is about knowing who I am, what I am created for, and doing according to it.

I am a linuxer, a geek, a programmer, a blogger, a student, a philosopher and surely, a man. It is hard to identify a human being by some abstract nouns. So if you want to know more about me, you can contact me or visit my blogs.
yuku@imambenjol : 2007-08-30 13:32:57 UTC+0000
Makanya pake reminder NOKIA aja, lb tpcaya!
Ato set reminder lb awal?
asa@imambenjol : 2007-08-30 14:51:50 UTC+0000
wah senasib dong ga bisa Mandarin ^^
imambenjol(LzdKiSCmQ3nK)@imambenjol : 2007-08-31 04:15:56 UTC+0000
diacu: >>8 >>11
imambenjol(LzdKiSCmQ3nK)@imambenjol : 2007-08-31 04:16:20 UTC+0000
diacu: >>10
sedih ga bisa nambah gambar aaaaaaa
yuku@imambenjol : 2007-08-31 04:23:43 UTC+0000
Eh, ga pas 150 kata tuh ada yang kurang:::
"My objective in life is not to find as much money as people usually after for."
harusnya kan
"My objective in life is not to find as much money as people are usually after for."

Hore jadi 151 nyo
imambenjol@imambenjol : 2007-08-31 04:30:36 UTC+0000
gawad salah masukin pass


Kau akan ngepos secara anonim! Boleh2 aja sih, bahkan tulis nama dan sembarang paswod pun boleh. Tapi kalo mau daftar, klik daftar

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