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f_u@f_u : 2008-02-24 14:33:40 UTC+0000
diacu: >>25 >>26
INTP - The "Engineer" Myers-Briggs Personality Types (Free Test)

INTPs are logical, individualistic, reserved, and very curious individuals. They focus on ideas, theories and the explanation of how things work. They are especially adept at discussions and debate. They have the ability to focus intently on a subject. They appreciate and respect intelligence in others.
Rin@f_u : 2008-02-25 02:44:04 UTC+0000
Belum buka websitenya tapi kayanya aku sama. Agak ga jelas di yg ke2, sih.
Rin@f_u : 2008-02-25 02:45:19 UTC+0000
Ugh kelupaan sesuatu >_<
Orang lebih banyak yang ngertinya Humour theory, tapi aku malah bingung2 bedanya Melancholic, Choleric, dkk apaan, kalau yang MBTI malah lebih ngerti. >_<




























