halo ^^

No 484-491 No 464-483 Semua (balik urutan) |

derianto@derianto : 2008-03-30 04:01:02 UTC+0000
diacu: >>485
Internet: distraction
ku ga pernah nonton tv karena tv bikin ga produktif (distraction)
wah skrg jadi suka browsing.  internet jadi kaya tv.
matiin komputer ah, ga mo nonton "tv"
yuku@derianto : 2008-03-30 14:29:04 UTC+0000
diacu: >>486
17. Beberapa kali merasa di indo ketika internet terbatas malah jadi lebih produktif.
derianto@derianto : 2008-03-31 18:08:59 UTC+0000
^^ iy nih
derianto@derianto : 2008-03-31 19:32:38 UTC+0000
Di amrik, homeless person bisa nulis email ^^'
asa@derianto : 2008-04-02 20:05:06 UTC+0000
diacu: >>489
kayanya ku hampir ga penah ngomong GBU klo ktemu org.
kayanya org indo suka ngomong gt karna itu dr bhs Inggris, bukan karna mo bawa2 nama Tuhan,
mungkin biar dianggap lebih berpendidikan karna bisa bhs Inggris.
1peH@derianto : 2008-04-03 05:15:43 UTC+0000
>>488  Atau hanya tiru2 orang lain saja. Banyak-lah istilah macam2 yang orang biasanya cuma tiru2 saja, padahal sebenarnya gak begitu ngerti.
Seperti di negeri Singa ini banyak juga istilah2 yang tak pernah kujumpai di Indonesia.
derianto@derianto : 2008-04-04 22:18:40 UTC+0000
One thing missing from a guy's life (or probably just my life?):
strong emotional experience.

I experience a lot of intellectual experience, physical experience,
spiritual experience, all the desirable and undesirable.  I do many
activities, explore a wide range of knowledge, doing logical
thinking on many problem sets (homework), CS project, etc.,
involved in volunteering, etc.

All for myself.  I lack the emotional connection with others.
When was the last time I missed somebody or a group of people?
I can't remember, because I don't know if I ever did.
The last time I cry for someone?  Maybe never.

I saw someone cries for someone else, and I wonder, whether
I should cry for myself because I have neither somebody to cry for
nor the courage to be able to care about some people to the point
that I'll cry for them.

I'm an emotionless working machine.
derianto@derianto : 2008-04-04 23:23:05 UTC+0000
I think the above article can be summarized into one word: *envy*.


Kau akan ngepos secara anonim! Boleh2 aja sih, bahkan tulis nama dan sembarang paswod pun boleh. Tapi kalo mau daftar, klik daftar

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