One thing missing from a guy's life (or probably just my life?):
strong emotional experience.
I experience a lot of intellectual experience, physical experience,
spiritual experience, all the desirable and undesirable. I do many
activities, explore a wide range of knowledge, doing logical
thinking on many problem sets (homework), CS project, etc.,
involved in volunteering, etc.
All for myself. I lack the emotional connection with others.
When was the last time I missed somebody or a group of people?
I can't remember, because I don't know if I ever did.
The last time I cry for someone? Maybe never.
I saw someone cries for someone else, and I wonder, whether
I should cry for myself because I have neither somebody to cry for
nor the courage to be able to care about some people to the point
that I'll cry for them.
I'm an emotionless working machine.