katanya ext3 defrag sendiri

No 97 No 77-96 Semua (balik urutan) |

andreas@andreas : 2009-09-11 07:58:26 UTC+0000
katanya ext3 defrag sendiri
dari om wiki:
That being said, as the Linux System Administrator Guide states, "Modern Linux filesystem(s) keep fragmentation at a minimum by keeping all blocks in a file close together, even if they can't be stored in consecutive sectors. Some filesystems, like ext3, effectively allocate the free block that is nearest to other blocks in a file. Therefore it is not necessary to worry about fragmentation in a Linux system."

gitu deh, jadi jarang banget perlu di defrag.

dari om wiki lagi:

There is no online ext3 defragmentation tool that works on the filesystem level. An offline ext2 defragmenter, e2defrag, exists but requires that the ext3 filesystem be converted back to ext2 first. But depending on the feature bits turned on in the filesystem, e2defrag may destroy data; it does not know how to treat many of the newer ext3 features.[14]



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