Kinu: Rein, are you angry?

No 4 Semua (balik urutan) |

Cabe@Cabe : 2019-05-31 18:00:34 UTC+0000
Kinu: Rein, are you angry?
Rein: Yes, I am angry. I am very very angry, and dissapointed, and sad.
Kinu: Are you going to stop being my friend?
Rein: (Suprised) What??? Is that even an option?
Kinu: Well, there are many people who said it. They do not want to be my friend anymore. Some people just quietly left without saying anything.
Rein: Well, no. Of course not. That is not even an option in my life. I never said to anyone “I do not want to be your friend anymore.” That is absurd.
Kinu: What if I am a very bad person?
Rein: Then we will have a very difficult relationship. We will quarell a lot. We will disagree with a lot of things. But I will not give up so easily. I would not take an easy way out.
Kinu: That is not what most people do.
Rein: I know that I am weird, I don’t just do what most people do.
Kinu: Me too.
Rein: I hope that one day, when you are old and look back to the life you’ve been through, you remember me and conclude “This is the one person that is willing to pay the highest price to maintain a relationship with me”, “This is somebody who is willing to suffer because of me, for me, and with me.” “This is a real friend.”


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