Rein:"I want to restart my life. I wish I can become baby again."

No 2 Semua (balik urutan) |

Cabe@Cabe : 2019-04-03 10:31:57 UTC+0000
Rein:"I want to restart my life. I wish I can become baby again."
Kinu:"No you don't. Being toddler is not a nice experience."
Rein looks at Kinu and smile, sometime she forgets that Kinu is just 4 years old.
Rein:"You still remember, do you?"
Kinu:"Of course I still remember, it was just last year."
Rein chuckled, gloomy mood forgotten, when Kinu is not annoying, he can cheer her up like no other people could.
Rein:"Then I just wish I can start everything new."
Kinu:"Well, I think you can start just a little portion of your life new when you enter the secondary school. At least new friends."
Rein:"I just feel terrible about myself. I wish I can fix a lot of things in my past, but I can't."
Kinu:"You need those bad memories so that you don't repeat it in the future."
Rein:"I wish I can be a better person. I killed a living thing today, an animal that might not have a spirit. But it has emotion."
Kinu:"When killing becomes easy, then you should feel bad about yourself. Right now, be thankful that you feel bad."
Rein:"I have a lot of regrets. I hope those regrets could taught me something about life."
Kinu:"Don't repeat those mistakes, so you don't have similar regrets in the future."
Rein:"You are right. I made mistakes with an animal. I do not want to repeat the same mistakes to human."


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