Hari ini ada berita yang cukup menghebohkan di straittimes. Dan ternyata saya menemukannya juga di http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews/Crime/Story/A1Story20080121-45913.html

No 110 No 90-109 Semua (balik urutan) |

1peH@1peH : 2008-01-22 05:27:13 UTC+0000
diacu: >>138
Hari ini ada berita yang cukup menghebohkan di straittimes. Dan ternyata saya menemukannya juga di http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews/Crime/Story/A1Story20080121-45913.html
Isinya tentang associate professor yang ditangkap karena mencuri pakaian dalam di NTU. Begini selengkapnya
AN associate professor with a fetish for women's underwear has been charged with theft and fradulent possession of bra, panties and apparel.

Lee Wing Foon, 39, was first charged in court last December with stealing two bras and a pair of panties at Nanyang Technological University on Dec 20. He was then remanded for psychiatric observation.

On Monday, he was further accused of two charges of stealing three more bras and three underwear at the Hall of Residence 10 at Block 50 NTU on Dec 20.

He also faces two charges of having 30 panties, 32 bras and 58 pieces of apparel suspected to have been stolen at NTU, and 272 pieces of bra, 87 panties and 65 pieces of clothing at a flat in Compassvale Lane, Sengkang, the next day.

A pre-trial conference will be held on Feb 18.

If convicted, Lee, who has a doctorate in engineering from NTU, could have been jailed for up to three years or fined or both for theft. The maximum penalty for fraudulent possession is a fine of $3,000 or a jail term of up to one year.


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