1 k_yohendi@k_yohendi : 2007-08-30 03:25:30 : 30 hahaha ini posting apaan sih ? 2 yuku@k_yohendi : 2007-08-30 03:27:25 : 37 >>1 buat ngepos2 kaya nikki :P iseng 3 k_yohendi@k_yohendi : 2007-08-30 03:28:55 : 65 kalo kayak niki, kotak ini ngedit posting nya kurang GEDE dong... 4 yuku@k_yohendi : 2007-08-30 03:31:15 : 92 >>3 k ceritanya buat ngepos asal2an.. hmm dibikin auto gedein aja kali yah liat juga /yuku 5 k_yohendi@k_yohendi : 2007-08-30 03:42:12 : 19 oh, mid = 5 apaan ? 6 yuku@k_yohendi : 2007-08-30 05:09:58 : 47 >>5 itu userid doang, dipake buat gebug sih... 7 asa@k_yohendi : 2007-08-31 14:44:26 : 34 kenalan dong. k_yohendi siapa yah? 8 k_yohendi@k_yohendi : 2007-09-04 05:19:02 : 153 k_yohendi = orangbandung perkenalkan, nama saya kharis, temen smp-sma nya yuku + adhi di bandung sekarang masih menunggu sidang, blum lulus S1 nih... 9 k_yohendi@k_yohendi : 2007-09-04 05:20:03 : 21 yohendi.wordpress.com 10 k_yohendi@k_yohendi : 2007-09-04 05:20:48 : 59 yohendi@wordpress 11 k_yohendi@k_yohendi : 2007-09-04 05:25:34 : 1517 psychometric 03Sep07 IQ test are one of psychometric still widely conducted to measure human intelligence. I just got back home after one-day full psychology test, in order to get a job in Network Engineering. This morning when I went to the test place, I didn’t realize it would took one day full , such a waste of time. The test was conducted in almost six hours with one hour break. To be honest, I hate the test. In this test you will be measured by your ability to answer the question, and they say it was your measure if intelligence. How do you expect people to attend such test ? Today it has no good purpose, why do you need the measure of intelligence of a person? THIS is 21st century, you don’t want to expect people to give you special treat or prejudice just because you are a little bit smarter or dumber than others. Seriously, when you get measured and you got small number, what will others do to you? Dump you ? Hey, there’s law here… In democracy the majority wins, people with higher or lower IQ would certainly be a minority. I don’t think some people who scored better would deserve that job than someone else. The measure itself conducted only in one day… at that very day, your future may be changed forever. what if you don’t get enough sleep the night before ? What if you suddenly get sick and it disturb you to score better ? I certainly don’t think such methods could be still held accountable in 21st century ! liberte - egalite - fraternite 12 k_yohendi@k_yohendi : 2007-09-04 05:25:59 : 34 asik peringkat *keaktifan* naik :P 13 derianto@k_yohendi : 2007-09-04 05:42:42 : 105 >>11 this is a good point: *people with higher or lower IQ would certainly be a minority.* how sad..