susu meletus

No 26-45 No 6-25 Semua (balik urutan) |

annakarolina@initehsusu : 2007-10-13 02:40:03 UTC+0000
diacu: >>29
terdengar seperti cewe genit lagi ngapain gitu,
merinding bacanya sampai...
i like mature guys----gggg... no 1
you are so cute, i like you
i also enjoyed the time with you---- gggg... no 2
but actually, it is because of you.
i was thinking about how to make up for you.---- gggg.... no 3

make up???? rrrrr

aneh sekali
imambenjol@initehsusu : 2007-10-13 07:52:05 UTC+0000
diacu: >>29
hebat favi ada fansnya! sugoi ne!
hg86@initehsusu : 2007-10-13 08:50:09 UTC+0000
diacu: >>29
favi kapan makan makan
initehsusu@initehsusu : 2007-10-13 14:55:52 UTC+0000
diacu: >>30
>>25 ngga kok, si oc muka nya serius bgt...
>>26 hummm tp memang kejadiannya kyk begituww
>>27 gw gt lho
>>28 barusannn
yuku@initehsusu : 2007-10-15 14:39:16 UTC+0000
diacu: >>31 >>33
>>29 Lom tentu, ku juga pas masuk jurusan baru ini, ku kenalan dengan
1 oc yang bisa dibilang *sangat nempel*, dan berkata berbagai macam
kata2 yang semerayu itu. WeW.
initehsusu@initehsusu : 2007-10-16 06:41:10 UTC+0000
>>30 iya yah, banyak oc yang kyk gitu..
padahal kl diliat2, di negaranya kan banyak cowo, harusnya mereka ga kekurangan cowo..
imambenjol@initehsusu : 2007-10-17 13:54:20 UTC+0000
diacu: >>35
ditunggu traktiran gaji pertama
annakarolina@initehsusu : 2007-10-20 03:24:24 UTC+0000
diacu: >>35 >>38 >>39
tapi emang kali orang indo aja yg budayanya gimana,
kayanya OS ama OI ama OM juga agresif amat lho.....
di negara OC btw ce banding co nya tuh bisa 6:4,
jadi maklum despo ^ ^
asa@initehsusu : 2007-10-20 04:13:07 UTC+0000
diacu: >>35
pasang di status tar dibaca oc loh :D
tar ketauan km pos segala sms dan ceting dengan dia
initehsusu@initehsusu : 2007-10-20 07:46:25 UTC+0000
>>34 biarin =P
lagian bbrp kalimat pertamanya kan bahasa indo, mreka liat alphabet aja langsung males koq haha

>>33 setuju...

>>32 nanti masih lama.. hohoho....
.....ehhhh lu sendiri belom traktir.. traktir iPod dunks~
ななしさん(anonim)@initehsusu : 2007-10-20 13:30:16 UTC+0000
diacu: >>37
yuku@initehsusu : 2007-10-20 16:50:30 UTC+0000
>>19 ikutan >>36 mengacu
1peH@initehsusu : 2007-10-22 14:49:02 UTC+0000
diacu: >>39
Nggak ah, nggak sebesar itu. Perbandingan secara keseluruhan nggak nyampe 6:5 kok. Cuma kalo perbedaannya dikali 1.3 miliar ya bisa jadi puluhan juta cowok nggak dpt cewek..
Rin@initehsusu : 2007-10-23 12:04:52 UTC+0000
diacu: >>54
menurut >>33, ce:co = 6:4 (berarti 3:2 ya?)
menurut >>38, ce:co = 6:5, tp tetep ce>co
bukannya berarti justru cewe yg ga dapet cowo ya?
initehsusu@initehsusu : 2007-10-26 19:16:29 UTC+0000
diacu: >>41
wahwah... hasil personality test dari


*The Billy Goat*
Deliberate Brutal Sex Dreamer (DBSD)

Horny. Stubborn. Kinda cute. Slightly immature. And often found on rough terrain. You are The Billy Goat.

You're lusty, but typically monogamous, and all in all you're a pretty good boyfriend. In fact, you enjoy relationships, if mostly for the sex and physical companionship. You'd do or say almost anything to get together with someone, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

You're sensitive, you have a certain boyish charm, and you're eager. Therefore you probably attract girls who are serious about romance. But few who get close to you realize how unready for total commitment you are. People fall for you. Meanwhile, you maintain your emotional distance, and there goes another box of tissues.

You're perfectly capable of a long-haul relationship, but, right now, dating someone primarily means having a consistent, available, preferably not-too-chatty, hookup. You're a careful, methodical person, and you work hard at making things work. It's just that the type of woman most likely to find your strengths endearing is also the most likely type to find your shortcomings heartbreaking. Someone with a similarly laid-back approach to dating would be perfect for you.


hahahaha pas banget hasilnya! kalian jg cobalah kalo mau =P
dancu(I1nlqUJW2JEM)@initehsusu : 2007-10-27 13:54:07 UTC+0000
yuku@initehsusu : 2007-10-28 01:33:08 UTC+0000
Sebagian bagus pertanyaannya. Sebagian lagi ga jelas pisan
malah banyak yang ga dipahami ~~~
initehsusu@initehsusu : 2007-11-13 17:08:04 UTC+0000
diacu: >>47
Daftar orang yang kasi selamat ulang taun sampai saat ini....

Yang kasi selamat waktu acara ulang tahun:


Yang kasi selamat diluar acara ulang tahun (semua GMT+8):

22:51 gabriella - msn
22:55 morina - msn
23:57 anna - sms

00:07 mama - sms
00:24 papa - sms
00:33 hadi - sms
00:34 yulianty - sms
00:58 marvin - sms

01:02 rica - sms
01:15 gunadi - email
01:24 sonia - msn

03:20 ifran - ym

08:39 morina (kedua kali) - sms

09:20 irana - email
09:46 arlene - sms
09:48 Mrs. Teten - sms

10:06 denia - msn
10:08 Mrs. Yetty - sms
10:48 rike - fs

11:10 sally (kedua kali) - fs
11:17 morina (ketiga kali) - fs
11:55 anna (kedua kali) - fs

12:48 raissa - fs

13:23 natalia - sms

14:01 FlashFlashRevolution - email

15:04 noviana - fs
15:06 christine - fs

16:40 olivia - sms
16:43 yongky - msn

18:11 delia - msn
18:49 marko - fs
18:49 ishak - fs

19:36 xie ran - sms

20:00 maggie - msn
20:17 christine (kedua kali) - sms
20:21 bev - fs
20:42 kinki - msn
20:46 olive - fs
20:50 ella - fs
20:56 felicia - msn

21:18 annu - fs
21:21 katrin - fs
21:49 welly - msn
21:52 philander - sms

22:37 wenty - fs
22:38 sebas - fs

23:05 Mrs. indrawati - sms
23:11 marsha - fs
23:40 gary - fs

24:04 ika - facebook
24:18 boaz - fs
24:41 christine - fs

Trims untuk semua!! Wish you all the best too =)
Dengan demikian saya sudah bukan teenagers lagi..
xyz(LmULdend8oVS)@initehsusu : 2007-11-15 10:48:24 UTC+0000
diacu: >>46
hebat dari 75 orang yang ngucapin slamat, 47 orang cewe. sugoi ne.

oh iya kalo masukin kartu ke mesin atm akan dapat tambahan selamat ulang tahun dari bank.


Kau akan ngepos secara anonim! Boleh2 aja sih, bahkan tulis nama dan sembarang paswod pun boleh. Tapi kalo mau daftar, klik daftar

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