eh ku lagi seneng nulis tentang kebijakan pemerintah nih ^^' biarin deh
negara yang lagi kukagumi adalah cina. kenapa? karena:
*1. berani pasang target*
*by 2020*, of every 100,000 people, 13,500 will have had junior
college education or above and some 31,000 will have had
senior high school schooling; rates for illiteracy and
semi-literacy rate will fall below three percent; and average
schooling duration across the population will increase from
today's eight years to nearly 11.
Sustaining fairly rapid growth, strategic restructuring,
improving the quality and benefits of economic growth so as
to lay firm foundations for doubling the 2000 GDP
*by 2010*
Most of these targets [taun 2005] have already been
achieved ahead of schedule. At present, the government is
drafting the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010).
China will launch unmanned probes to the moon
*before 2010*,
and gather moon soil samples
*before 2020*.
dll... ga semua target ditulis sih, tapi lumayan juga yang ada
tulisan taun-taun seperti itu
*2. targetnya ditulis dengan jelas di website!!! orang non-
cina citizen aja bisa baca jadi gawat deh negaranya bisa malu
kalo ga tercapai!*
-1. mungkin ini gara-gara cina tuh negara sosialis jadi
presidennya bisa presiden seumur hidup (dan partainya juga
partai seumur hidup), jadi ga takut bikin rencana 5, 10, 15 tahun
ke depan.
apa indo gara2 setiap 5 taun presidennya diganti, jadi males ah
pake rencana jauh2, orang abis 5 taun saya uda ga digaji dan
dapet uang baju, uang transportasi, uang tunjangan2, dll??