Meletuslah hai balon yang telah menghijau terang!!

No 5-24 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@1peH : 2007-09-14 15:41:04 UTC+0000
diacu: >>7
Hore, akhirnya balon 1peH muncul juga.
Jadi heran kenapa balon hijau bisa meletus lebih dulu dari balon lain.

Ada satu lagi misteri: Apa beda meletus dan meledak?
Rin@1peH : 2007-09-15 17:20:54 UTC+0000
diacu: >>7
Sepertinya lebih banyak benda yang meletus daripada yg meledak.
Meletus: gunung, perang, senapan.
Meledak: bom, granat

Kalau dipikir sih, sepertinya kalau meletus wadahnya masih ada, kalau meledak wadahnya sudah benar2 hilang. Balon meletus karena karetnya masih ada.

Bener ga, ya?
asa@1peH : 2007-09-17 03:16:10 UTC+0000
>>5 >>6
meledak seluruh permukaan
meletus sebagian kecil ajah

kaya bom meledak kan seluruh permukaan bomnya
klo gunung meletus puncanknya doang
kalo perang meletus kiasan :p
1peH@1peH : 2007-09-17 13:03:04 UTC+0000
diacu: >>9 >>10
Halo olivia alias pop eye salam kenal. Sudah tahukah kau siapa kira2 saya ini? Kalau sudah tahu ya tak perlu diberitahu lagi.
Untuk meletus, dibilang sebagian kecil kayaknya kok nggak ya, contohnya seperti 'gelembung sabun meletus'. Jadi kalau dibilang wadahnya masih ada juga nggak. Ban mobil juga bisa dibilang meletus. Kalau bisul meletus, memang sebagian saja sih.
Untuk meledak ada lagi contoh lain spt:"dgn seketika meledaklah amarahnya", yg ini memang kiasan sih.

Yang jelas beda yang lain, Meletus itu nama orang, sedangkan Meledak bukan.
Rin@1peH : 2007-09-17 13:50:40 UTC+0000
diacu: >>10
Benar juga, ya.... Jadi bedanya apa, ya? ^^;;;;

Kata temanku, kalau meletus itu *tus!*, kalau meledak itu *dak!*.
Nyerah deh.... Saya menyesal mencoba menjawab....
asa@1peH : 2007-09-17 14:26:31 UTC+0000
diacu: >>12
>>8 >>9
bisa smua permukaan hancur
tp awalnya dr satu bagian ajah
jelas la ban mobil meletus, kan ga hancur seluruh permukaan bersamaan.
klo hancur seluruh permukaan bersamaan baru meledak.
1peH@1peH : 2007-09-17 14:48:14 UTC+0000
Wah, imel banyak sekali hari ini. Tidak dibuka 2 hari sudah membanjir memenuhi kotak masuk. Masing2 milis ada tulisan baru....
Rin@1peH : 2007-09-17 16:20:03 UTC+0000
Benar juga....
1peH@1peH : 2007-09-18 05:23:04 UTC+0000
Wah, pagi ini gak di depan kompu terus, jadi jalan2 ke tempat lain. Meski ternyata cuma sampai pagi ini. Sore ini bakal seperti biasa lagi. Mgkn baru minggu depan akan terus2an tidak di depan kompie lagi.
1peH@1peH : 2007-09-18 15:40:03 UTC+0000
diacu: >>16
Ngetes, bisa keluar nggak
<a href="" style="text-decoration: none; background: url('') no-repeat; display: block; width: 268px; height: 82px;"><span style="display: block; padding-left: 125px; padding-top: 28px; color: #000; font-family: Arial; font-size: 22px;">31% Geek</span></a> <p><small>JustSayHi - Free Online <a href="">Personals</a></small></p>
1peH@1peH : 2007-09-18 15:41:29 UTC+0000
Haha, gak keluar. Eh kalo dilihat2, sepertinya ada mirip sama
Rin@1peH : 2007-09-18 17:20:25 UTC+0000
ketahuan ga baca FAQ....
1peH@1peH : 2007-09-19 01:06:52 UTC+0000
Bumi yang akan makin mengerikan untuk didiami:
(ttg pemanasan global)
1peH@1peH : 2007-09-20 04:06:25 UTC+0000
Kutemukan juga terjemahan Inggris dari lagu "negara-kuku". Lagu yang membuat heboh Malaysia. Bagi yg tidak tahu, Negaraku adalah lagu kebangsaan Malaysia.
Kuku di sini bukan berarti zat tanduk yang tumbuh di tiap ujung jari manusia, bukan juga berarti bibi (姑姑), tapi ini berarti kemaluan laki2, entah dalam bahasa apa itu, hokkien mungkin.
Terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggrisnya mmg masih kurang sempurna, tp setidaknya memberi gambaran mengenai isinya.
Kalau hal semacam ini terjadi di negeri Singa, bisa dipastikan org tersebut langsung ditangkap.


(Repeat) Check it out, yo, yo, yo.

(Repeat) Negaraku, Negarakuku.

I love my country, only when you have a country you have a home
Only with a home then there will be me, standing here with you
Loudly singing, don’t be afraid
Even though I curse all the time
My song, is just like the durian
Tough and spiky, only
To see if you dare to open it, to look at the truth inside
It can be very stinky, it can be very fragrant
It only depends on what kind of nostrils you have.

Our police is called Mata
Because they have very bright eyes
Once it’s New Year, they will be very hard working
Holding pens but they will rarely write you a receipt
Because they are thirsty, they need to drink tea
Also kopi-O (black coffee), want to add sugar?
If they add sugar, their mouths will sweetly smile at you
When you are leaving, they will even go “Tata.”

Tanah tumpahnya darahku
Rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju.

This phenomenon, doesn’t need any improvements
Neither does it need strengthening, the police and the people work together
A cup of coffee keeps our relationship temperate
I so very suka (I like it very much)
At least I won’t go home and receive a summons
My dad would sure be pissed
I would also kiong kan (swear word in Cantonese for “get raped” [2]), with no car to drive
What to do, this time so very kao lat (an expression, something like aiyo)
With no car, how do I go out and play?
With no car, how do I wage “wild war”? (I don’t know what it means but I assume it has something to do with a girl)
With no car, how do I go and watch ah kua? (transvestites)
This country, I like it very much.

5 in the morning
There’s even a morning call to wake me up
Sometimes a few of them will sing together
When you listen to it, it’s like a love duet
The voice ululates like an R&B song
Even though sometimes they sing until it’s out of tune
Even though sometimes they even sing until their voices break
Some sound like cockerels, but they wake up earlier than them
This way we can know the time to get ready for class and for work
Don’t blame, the government only takes cares of the natives
Don’t blame, we don’t receive equal care
Only this way we can prove that we Chinese are not afraid of hard work
Only this way we can train ourselves to find a solution during hard times
Don’t feel weird about their standards
Because this only shows that we are smart (or capable)
Children who are not spoilt will not be dependant
Because you see some children are still not weaned off breast-feeding.

Rahmat bahagia
Tuhan kurniakan
Raja kita
Selamat bertakhta.

People who hide in government departments are even better (even more capable)
They can do everything so slowly
Even when people are queuing, are cursing stinky lelai (what’s that?)
They’re chill and unfazed
Sometimes they even bring out their kuih
They eat their nyonya kuih
More people will continue queuing up
Even when you curse stinky lelai it doesn’t matter
Because the guard at the side is dreaming
And he won’t scold you one lah.

They wrap up their heads; walk slowly and cross the road slowly
When you pass in the car you even have to let them pass first
The most important thing is to live happily; the most important thing is to live comfortably
Don’t be like the Chinese
Busy the whole day, very tough
We really cannot NOT admire this spirit”
Because this is their attitude in life.

(Attitude, attitude)

I’ve been saying good things in this song
I believe those of you who are pissed at me will like this now
The world is peaceful, and full of hope
No one is hurt, there aren’t any riots
You’re so classy, you’re so elegant
Your shit is fragrant, and you don’t curse
You guys are the most high class, every day it’s just romancing

Listening to Guang Liang Pin Guan (this local Chinese artiste)
But he already ran to Taiwan [3]
Private school students graduate
It’s so very tough to get admitted into local universities
Actually we don’t have to get pissed about this issue
Actually this is the a very noble plan by the government
They want us to explore the world, to find new opportunities for ourselves
To learn things and come back and repay the country
This plan is so great, I can’t quibble about it
All over the world you can see Malaysia’s children
They’re like refugees, so very shiok (expression for orgasm or high)

2007, Malaysia’s having Visit Malaysia Year
The Chinese culture is brought out and paraded
The government doesn’t even care about private school students
The certificate is thrown into the longkang (ditch), just like me

Graduated and went to Taiwan
Learned about things, and got ready to come back to repay my country
I stood on the streets of Taipei with my guitar
But my mouth still sings.

Rahmat Bahagia
Tuhan kurniakan
Raja kita Selamat bertakhta.


Oya, ini ada penjelasan dari pencipta lagu, WEE MENG CHEE,
1peH@1peH : 2007-09-20 04:22:23 UTC+0000
Rupanya dalam semalam setelah diupload ke yutub, langsung diakses dan lagu itu jadi terkenal, padahal diuplaod cuma supaya bisa dilihat teman2nya.
Ini ada blog dari si pembuat.
1peH@1peH : 2007-09-26 09:31:26 UTC+0000
diacu: >>21
Imel NTU sering kemasukan pengumuman berisi "Selamat, anda memenangkan ini itu, dsb"
Padahal biasanya saya ketika ada undian tidak pernah menang, bahkan untuk hadiah hiburan sekalipun. Jadi kebanjiran 'hadiah' senilai berjuta2 Dollar/Pounds.
Berikut adalah contoh imel yang baru saja kudapat:

Live Mail Beta Awards 2007!
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Nama pengirimnya ialah

Aneh juga imel NTU bisa kedapatan imel pemenang hadiah dari yahu dan hotmel, padahal belum tentu juga kalo saya punya yahu atao hotmel.
Itu imel asal kirim, nggak liat2 dulu, dan dibilang ada di Inggris pula.
Rin@1peH : 2007-09-26 12:26:48 UTC+0000
Keren juga spamnya!
1peH@1peH : 2007-09-27 01:05:11 UTC+0000
diacu: >>23 >>24
Wah, hari ini pagi2 udah hujan deras. Terus tadi tunggu bus lamanya minta ampun. Trus aku tinggalin itu bus dan naik bus lain. Jadi nunggu bus hampir setengah jam. Hari ini aku brangkat dari kamar kira2 8 menit lebih awal daripada kemarin, tapi datang ke kantor 40 menit lebih lambat. Parah sekali.....
asa@1peH : 2007-09-28 01:45:08 UTC+0000
diacu: >>26
kalo uda nunggu bis lama jangan tinggalin la. ato liat dulu perkiraan datang.
karna kan klo uda tunggu lama brati uda mo dtg. drpd ke tempat bis lain trus nunggu 2 kali lebi lama.
emang bis apa? 199?
yuku@1peH : 2007-09-28 02:32:33 UTC+0000
diacu: >>25 >>26
Ada yang bilang cuaca di singapura ini memang lagi aneh yah,
sejak Juli uda hujan terus, mungkin Juni juga udah.
Padahal harusnya September ato Oktober kan mulainya.
Ada efek apa yah?


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