HORE <s>SERIBU</s>DUARIBU || ide yuku dan bukan ide yuku

No 558-1263 No 538-557 Semua (balik urutan) |

yuku@yuku : 2007-11-11 04:59:59 UTC+0000
diacu: >>559 >>562
Terusan >>556 Continuation

This is the complete list of the team members other than me:
(Later if you try to find your name in Google, you may find your name
here) (Inside parentheses are the handle)

- Aye Thinzar Wai (tinzar)
- Hnin Hnin Ei (nin2)
- Hnin Wai Wai Kyaw (wei2)
- Kolla Vasu (vasu)
- Min Min Aung (min2)
- Nu Yin Htwe (nuyin)
- Parthiban Aswath Narayanan (aswat)
- Sarraf Shireesh Kumar (siris)
- Thwe Mi Mi Ko (miku)
- Yin Hong (yin)
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-11 05:06:05 UTC+0000
diacu: >>560
Terusan >>558 Continuation

I purposedly said in the email that no one is forced to come,
because I want only the people who really want to finish this, not
the because they are forced to do that.


Time: 1635
I arrived at the school, not for that gathering, but because
other Prof called me and my other group for discussion regarding
NUS competition later.
However I have not eaten so I go to drinks stall to buy a cup of Milo
when suddenly my name is called from behind... oh there is Miku.
I ask Miku and Miku said Miku wants to do this project so Miku comes
here. But I say that I want to meet prof first so sorry for that.

it is so hard to write this kind of thing in english
and i hate to reveal a person is girl or guy just because english
must use she or he when revering to a verson. and ~
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-11 05:14:25 UTC+0000
diacu: >>561
Terusan >>559 Continuation

Time 1711
THe other prof still discussing with the other students where some of the
students there said that is not important question which is:
{If the team who compete in singapure and the team who compete
in iran both qualifies, who will go to the world final?} they think it is
not important because we still dont know whether we will ween.

Time 1711
I go back to the SCE Student Computer Room
and I find *Nuyin*, *Yin*, and *Miku* there.. doing something seriously,
"WOW they are so dilligent (rajin maksudnya)", I think, when I see
their computer screen...... OH it is not Object Oriented project but
their IA project ~ ~ ~
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-11 05:21:13 UTC+0000
diacu: >>563 >>570
Terusan >>560 Continuation

Time about 1728

I wait for them too finish, and then i see their Safe Assignment result
which is bad because many numbers are considered plagiarism
(e.g. "1" and "Figure 2")

Time 1728

Fajar called me to come to the other prof... at the time when {
"let's start doing!" I cry to them and we started by designing the
inteface. I say "Today Yin is the most important person, without
him we cant make a beautiful interface"

Yin gubrak (fall upside down) but it is agreed by the others.
Yin has a picture for the header of the web page which is a western girl

Then Miku and Yin debate whether to put the school name label
in the top portion of the header or below it. Yin insists to put on the top
and Miku below. But Yin wins.
asa@yuku : 2007-11-11 05:22:54 UTC+0000
>>556 >>558
yg ga dtg siapa? 2 oi yah. yg ga dtg benar2 parah

sungguh mengerikan kurang dr 24 jam mo demo dan lon kode sama skali
takjub, biasa seklp sama anak2 indo klo kurang seminggu gt uda mulai rame kerja
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-11 05:38:22 UTC+0000
diacu: >>566 >>611
Terusan >>561 Continuation

Time about 19

Nuyin and Miku eat in the room
I become want to eat
Yin always bugs me say Yin want to eat Yin hungry
I say we finish the interface of main page before eating!!

Time about 20

Most of the main page interface is done.
Yin and Yuku go to eat at canteen A.
When eating *Min2* comes and eat together.

Min2 ask about how the interface by Tinzar and Vasu is.
we say that the interface is not good at all since it is only
label and text boxes without any nice interface.

Then Min2 say "fuck" around 8 times and "shit" around 12 times
and also combination like "fucking shit"
Yuku and Yin become silent because dont know how to respond
to that.

Eating finish!

Tinza call me and say Tinza coming to canteen A
we waited for Tinza and finally meet Tinza
Tinza look so tired like was catched by a lion and
so full of spirit want to go doing project quickly.
I ask have dinner or not then Tinza say haven't.
so i tell Tinza please have dinner first.
so Tinza have dinner by tapau
derianto@yuku : 2007-11-11 08:28:29 UTC+0000
hebat!! meskipun kerja lembur masih bisa nulis di melet.us
kittymew@yuku : 2007-11-12 15:43:43 UTC+0000
diacu: >>593
>>561 Komen ini buat keseluruhan cerita (meskipun kayaknya blom kelar) ...
Wah, ceritanya panjang dan seru. Intinya mirip sama cerita di artikel ini: http://www.kittymew.info/articles/8.php. Boleh dimasukin? Hehehe.
Selamat, tugasnya udah selese skrg!!
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-15 14:18:08 UTC+0000
Betul juga, mirip yah. Dan kerja semalaman memang menarik ternyata!
Bisa dicoba sem depan kalo ada kesempatan :D
Mau dimasukin ke kittymew? Wah tentu sangat boleh!
Tambah beberapa bumbu fiksi dan dongeng, biar jadi lebih menarik.
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 09:43:06 UTC+0000
diacu: >>612
Terusan >>563 Continuation

We come back to the computer room, with *Tinza*,
she suddenly asks me what can i do now? But since I don't have
any idea, I wonder for a while, then I know something:
the front page of the website has "About us" section, but no one has
written the text.

However, when I say that to Tinza, Tinza says Tinza is doing
another assignment which is IA and Seminar, so I give up and
then ask Yin to do that.

Database problem: we almost have no sample data for the database,
so when Min2 which sits behind me does not do anything, I ask him to
do it. He does it happily as always.
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 09:49:10 UTC+0000
diacu: >>613 >>677
Terusan >>611 Continuation

[Min2 Wife Event]

Min2 is talking with someone over the phone. I do not understand the
meaning since it is in different language.

When he finishes the talking, he says to the others! that his wife
asked his presence, where he is now. Then he says, his wife does not
believe him when he said that he is doing assignment with other students,
she want the proof by talking to someone else.

So the phone is given to me, but I do not hear anything comes from
the phone. I return it back, but not long time later, the phone rings again!
and this is the time his wife really there to speak.

So I take the phone. I say "halo Min2 is here doing assignment"
then I hear some reply but I still do not understand, actually the
voice is scary for me, so I think better not talk back. So I say
"do you want me to take photo of us?" then come some answer
but I still dont understand and it becomes more scary. I return
the phone and Min2 said OK with smile ^^

[Event Clear]
yuku@yuku : 2007-11-16 10:14:41 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1254
Terusan >>612 Continuation

[Mice Like Rice Event]

When Tinza do Tinza's assignment, Tinza play songs in Tinza's computer.
Then I hear some strange song, some english song, some slow song,
some unslow song.

But Suddently I hear some Familiar song.
Which is Mice Like Rice (tikus suka padi) song that I like :D
It is a song from taiwan or china i dont know lah.

I am surprised and wah wah wah to Tinza.
Then I ask Yin about this song if he knows this song.
He knows it and I play the Japanese version (ねずみは米が好き)
from youtube. I explain the meaning to him and he said the meaning
is some different with Chinese version.

Then I isengly find for that in Youtube and get English version!?
When play, the song has interesting phrase which is
"I will tell you something"
Why is that interesting? Because it (i think) is the same as
(#define Miko miku) Miko's favorite phrase.

When Miko come back from some place far away and near here,
Yin and I tell Miko about that phrase in the song
Then Miko protests because Miko's phrase is not that, but
"I want to tell you something".

[Event Clear]
yuku@yuku : 2007-12-02 15:23:36 UTC+0000
diacu: >>678 >>679
Judul: cerita 1/3: Sentosa Trip 2007-11-30

Delapan hari sebelumnya, salah satu ob (lupa yang mana), mengajakku
ke Sentosa, pulau kecil di selatan singapura. Kupikir, boleh juga coba
jalan2 sama orang asing, dari dulu tiap jalan2 sama orang indo,
bisa latihan bahasa inggris dan coba memberanikan diri
(bagiku itu hal yang cukup mengerikan, entah kenapa). Namun ku teringat,
2007-12-2 ada JLPT, ku perlu belajar dong, apalagi 2007-12-1 ada
workshop di sekolah, jadi ga ada waktu belajar dong. Jadi ku bilang saja
padanya, nanti tanya lagi saja.

Dipikir2 ga enak juga, masa ku indo sendiri, sedangkan sekitar 8 orang
lain ob semua. Ku ga enak karena mungkin akan ga paham omongan
mereka, juga takut mereka ga enak karena perlu berbahasa Inggris saat
berada dekat yuku.

Namun berkat kebaikan miku, dia mengajak yin yaitu oc ikut juga
(dengan alasan "yuku minta ditemenin!"), dan dia mau.

Maka ku ikut, dan jadilah kami pergi ke sentosa,
foto2 pun telah tersedia di album picasa yuku
yaitu di http://fype.com/fotoyuku

Karena exam terakhir baru beres jam 1230, makan dulu, baru kumpul lagi
jam 14 setelah pada taro barang, naik bis dan mrt sambil foto2,

nah tibalah episode ajaib di sini.


Ada seorang ob yang mari kita sebutlah xyz.
xyz ini lebih tua dari yang lain, mungkin 30an, cowo, dan sudah menikah.
Sebelumnya (>>612) dia pernah ditelp istrinya ditanya lagi ngapain.
Jadi mencurigakan.

Nah, setibanya di sentosa, xyz tiba2 bertemu dengan seorang cewe
(bukan istrinya) lalu memperkenalkan cewe itu pada kami, tapi
cewe itu tidak memperkenalkan diri. Menurut xyz dia akan bermain
bersama kami. Seorang cewe yang berpakaian cukup menggoda dan
wajahnya entah kenapa terkesan nakal bagiku.

Namun tak lebih dari 5 menit kemudian, xyz bilang dia dan cewe itu
akan berpisah dari kami. Kami oke2 saja.


Tibalah di pantai. Setelah foto bersama, ada yang terlalu kegirangan
melihat laut, yaitu wei2, yin, dan ku. Jadi belom lepas baju maupun
ganti celana, masuklah ke air dan ciprat2an. Oh iya, hp masi di kantong,
setelah diamankan masuk lagi ke air. Waduh, ku dikeroyok 2 orang,
akhirnya keceburlah ke laut, semua baju dan celanaku basah.

Kya, maka kubalas orang2 itu dan 3 orang basah semua. Lalu akhirnya
satu persatu basah dan dicebur juga secara agak keroyok tapi tentu
dengan memperhatikan sikon (contoh: tanya dulu "mana hp mu?").

Wei2 suka air, sangat suka air bagaikan ga pernah mengalami dicelup air,
tapi ga bisa berenang, maka latihan berenang, + diisengin beberapa kali
ke tempat agak dalam sehingga dipegangin dan ketakutan.

Setelah bermain beberapa lama, ada yang bilang bisa beli bola seharga
18 dolar, karena total 9 orang maka kami setuju bayar masing2 2 dolar.
Maka main mainan internasional yaitu lempar2 bola dengan 1 orang di
tengah yang berusaha menangkap bola. Cukup bervariasi dan kasian
cewe2 yang cukup pendek.

Saat hendak membilas tubuh, apadaya tiada pakaian ganti,
terpaksa pakai baju basah.


Nah nin2 melaporkan padaku, hp dia ditelepon istri xyz, nanya xyz di
mana, dan nin2 bilang xyz lagi membilas tubuh. Kutentang, ku bilang ke
nin2 mu ga boleh bohong. Lagi pula xyz juga mungkin bersalah, buat apa

Tak lama kemudian istri xyz telp nin2 lagi, ku bilang, ku aja
yang terima, mu ke laut aja sana. Lalu suara istri xyz yang mengerikan
terdengar seperti waktu itu, ku bilang begini aja, "xyz ga di sini, kami
emang ga semuanya bersama, ku ga bisa liat xyz di mana" dengan itu
ku ga bohong. Istri xyz kecewa dan nanya berulang2 sampe ku bosen
jawabnya, lalu mau ngomong sama nin2, ku bilang dia lagi di laut,
gimana bisa kukasih hp ini. Karena lama ga ada perkembangan dan dia
diam saja ya sudah ku bilang akan kututup teleponnya dan kututup.

Kuceritakan ke nin2, ... dan bereslah semua dengan pembilasan tubuh
dan pemakaian baju basah.


Kami makan di fuko "koufu" di sana, macem2 nasigoreng dibeli,
lalu ada kios tulisannya makanan indonesia, beberapa orang tunjuk2 itu
ke ku, ku bilang itu kayanya malay bukan indo kalo diliat dari makanannya.
Namun akhirnya tetep beli di sana karena ada jual "soto". yin dan nin2
ikutan beli soto, untunglah sotonya enak, mirip di indo, cuma kepedesan
buat nin2.


Naaah, namun istri xyz terus2an telp nin2, setelah konsultasi dengan yin,
kami tetapkan ga usa diterima aja telpnya. Sampe sekitar 12 kali dia
telp! Betapa parahnya.

Lebih gawad lagi, istri xyz kirim 4 sms ke nin2. Inilah kira2 isi sms.
1. ku sangat benci mu
2. ku sangat benci mu
3. ku lagi jalan ke sentosa.
4. ku ga suka kepribadianmu

Sampe nin2 uda pulang, di rumah, lewat jam 0, masi dikirimi sms. Weleh.

Kami menduga itu cuma pancingan biar nin2 merasa kesal ato sesuatu
sehingga nin2 mau tanggapi teleponnya.


Selesai, foto2 bentar di vivo. Pulang.
asa@yuku : 2007-12-02 15:35:17 UTC+0000
wah seru, kaya crita mengungkap perselingkuhan di sinetron
klo ku jadi mu akan segera perhatiin tangan tu cw pas pertama ktemu
liat ada cincin kawin ato ga
kalo ada apa sepasang sama punya xyz
xyz benar2 gawad. pantes ajah istrinya telp terus.
mending ga punya suami drpd punya suami selingkuh kali yah
super sakit hati (mungkin si, belon penah alami jg, tapi klo dibayangkan sptnya begt)
initehsusu@yuku : 2007-12-02 15:46:45 UTC+0000
diacu: >>692
waow.. ob itu orang bangbang? ato brunbrun?
parah bgt istri nya ud curigaan gitu...
yuku@yuku : 2007-12-04 15:36:20 UTC+0000
Bukaaan, b itu menandakan suatu negara di asean yang banyak muridnya
di s2 walau dikit di s1 ntu.
Mending istrinya curiga, karena emang xyznya parah pisan...
yuku@yuku : 2008-10-25 04:15:29 UTC+0000
diacu: >>1263
Kenangan 1 tahun lalu. >>613 *Tikus suka padi*

Karena ku tau bahwa sudah tak mungkin
dari jauh kulihat saja
Semua orang suka kamu
aku mustahil tampaknya

Ketika semua jalan pulang bersama
aku jalan sendiri agak jauh
Tak mungkin ku menyatakan diriku
hanya akan diketawain, gitu saja

Ku cinta mu
tentu mimpi yang tak kan terkabulkan
seperti padi yang tak suka tikus

Ku rindu mu
namun ku suka mu
mulai sekarang sampai selamanya pun
sampai besok

Ku cinta mu
sebenarnya ku suka mu
seperti tikus yang sangat suka padi

Ku rindu mu
tapi, biarlah jangan kau sadari
ku ingin suka mu seperti ini saja
sampai kapan pun
la(+dxmGRxiHnxe)@yuku : 2008-10-27 09:56:44 UTC+0000

rice is lonely without rat
waiting for the lovely rat
because of the hope that every love is possible

rice is so sad without rat
longing for the charming rat
because of the desire that true love can be met
      .la la la.




























