
No 198-203 No 178-197 Semua (balik urutan) |

andreas@andreas : 2009-10-15 02:39:35 UTC+0000
diacu: >>203
Dear colleagues,

In line with the Government’s recent focus on Labour Productivity, Venture has designated the month of October towards a “Productivity & Wellness” drive. Employees will enjoy a different fruit every Thursday starting on 15, 22, 29 October ‘09 & 5 November ’09.

We believe that a healthy workforce will inevitably raise the productivity level of our staff as Venture strives to stay profitable in a globalised and dynamic marketplace.  By raising the awareness of a Healthy Workplace, we hope everyone can embrace a healthy lifestyle which promotes good dietary practices and pro-active control of common ailments.

Fruits for Health

We strongly recommend the consumption of fruits to maintain a balance diet for nutrition and health.  You will receive a fruit on every Thursday in October with compliments from Venture to adopt a “FOOD for HEALTH” lifestyle.  Natural antioxidants from fruits are far more effective than vitamin supplements.  The types of fruits are specially selected for its nutritional value.


dan bulan ini adalah apel, dan baru kumakan, dan manis tenan... :D
yuku@andreas : 2009-10-15 16:53:11 UTC+0000
Waduh, mu mengingatkanku pada kejadian di <liat gambar> yang setiap minggu juga
dikasi <liat gambar>. Hebatnya waktu itu ku sempat melihat bonnya, mereka memesan
sekeranjang, yang ga begitu besar, mungkin skitar 40 biji, tapi harganya melonjak,
sampe satu bijinya lebih dari 1 USD. Tapi emang enak, apel BESAR, pir BESAR, jeruk
BESAR, dan enak skali. Negara agraris yang memperkembangkan sumber daya alamnya
dengan baik.





























